GRPC starting with Python


gRPC is a modern, high-performance open source RPC (Remoto Protocol Call) framework that can be run in any environment. It has the advantage of being able to serialize data using Protocol Buffers for high-speed communication. It is compatible with various languages and platforms, and bidirectional streaming utilizing http / 2 is possible. Services (data and functions to communicate) can be simply defined using Protocol Buffers, and API specifications can be clearly stated.

git: k-washi/stereophonic-Sound-System/proto

Golang versin's gRPC article can be found in Starting with Golang gRPC.


This section describes how gRPC responds to a request from a client with the position (x, y, z) of an appropriate object calculated by the server. Originally, it is a system that generates stereophonic sound according to the position of the character, and was created to transmit position information.

Library installation

pip install grpcio-tools==1.26.0

Protocol definition

Define positions x, y, z as Pos in the .proto file as shown below. Then, Position becomes a protocol (communication protocol) including location information. On the other hand, the Msg protocol is defined as a result of issuing a message requesting location information to the server side or location information. In addition, PositionReq and PositionPub are defined as functions used for communication. PositionReq is a function that sends Msg to the server and receives Position information from the server, and PositionPub is a function that sends Position information to the server and receives Msg. In this article, we will explain using an example using PositionReq.


syntax = "proto3";

package posXYZ;
option go_package="posXYZpb";

message Pos {
  float x = 1;
  float y = 2;
  float z = 3;

//client streaming
message Position{
  Pos position = 1;
  int32 status = 2;
  string msg = 3;

message Msg{
  int32 status = 1;
  string msg = 2;

service PositionService{
  rpc PositionReq(Msg) returns (Position) {};
  rpc PositionPub(Position) returns (Msg) {};

Conversion to protocol buffer for python

As described in Golang versin's gRPC article gRPC starting with Golang, even if it is converted to protocol buffer for golang, it looks like this article. Even if you convert to protocol buffer for python, the conversion will be done based on the above protocol definition. By this conversion to protoco buffer, the structure of each message defined in each language and the definition document (program) including the service function are output.

Python can be converted by executing the following program.


from import protoc

python ./proto/

As a result of the above command, that defines the message defined in the protocol file and that defines the function used for gRPC communication are generated.

Server-side implementation

Here, implement a server that receives request Msg and issues Position (location information). The position information issued here is a position that rotates while maintaining a distance of 1 m from (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0).

Regarding configInit for settings not related to gRPC and logger for logging, my past article Parameter setting by python configparser, [Python logging Please refer to How to use the module.

The PositionServer class overloads the PositionServerServer defined in and defines the PositionReq function that returns the position information in response to the request. This return value, Position, uses the one defined in In addition, this class also defines functions that store and output location information x, y, and z, and manages location information.

The Server class is a class that summarizes the processing performed by the server side of gRPC. Therefore, it has an instance of PosotionServer class as a variable. The start function defines the process to start the gRPC server, and the stop function defines the process to stop the gRPC server. Since these start and stop processes are fixed phrases, the basic flow does not change in any program.

In the main process, the server is opened by executing the start function, and the server-side process of gRPC is over. Here, in order to change the location information every time, the location information issued by posServer.pubPos (x, y, z) is overwritten.


import os
import sys

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))

# ------------

from utils.config import configInit
Conf = configInit()
logger = Conf.setLogger(__name__)

# ------------

import grpc
from proto.position_pb2 import *
from proto import position_pb2_grpc

# ------------

from concurrent import futures

class PositionService(position_pb2_grpc.PositinServiceServicer):
  def __init__(self):
    self.x = 1.
    self.y = 0.
    self.z = 0.

  def PositionReq(self, request, context):
      is_success = 0
      is_success = -1
    return Position(
      position = Pos(
        x = self.x, y = self.y, z = self.z
      status = is_success,
      msg = "character position"

  def pubPos(self, x, y, z):
    self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z
  def getPos(self, x, y, z):
    return self.x, self.y, self.z

class Server():
  def __init__(self):
    self.posServer = PositionService()

  def start(self):
    self.server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3))
      self.posServer, self.server

    self.server.start()"Start server {0}".format(Conf.PosServer))

  def stop(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
  import time
  import numpy as np
  server = Server()
  z = 0.
  azimuth = 0.
  aziShift = 5* np.pi / 180.

  def azi2pos(azimuth):
    x = np.cos(azimuth)
    y = np.sin(azimuth)
    return x, y

    while True:
      azimuth += aziShift
      x,y = azi2pos(azimuth)

  except Exception as e:

Client-side implementation

The client side implementation is implemented in the posClient class. Start client processing with the open function. Note that position_pb2_grpc.PositinServiceStub contains the functions that the client executes. Therefore, in the posRequest function, Msg can be sent by the self.stub.PositionReq function and the information from the server can be obtained as the return value. After that, every time you execute posRequest () in the main process, you can communicate with the server side and get the location information.


mport os
import sys

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))

# ------------

from utils.config import configInit
Conf = configInit()
logger = Conf.setLogger(__name__)

# ------------

import grpc
from proto.position_pb2 import *
from proto import position_pb2_grpc

class posClient():
  def __init__(self):
    self.x = 0.
    self.y = 0.
    self.z = 0.

  def posRequest(self):
    request = Msg(
      status = 0,
      msg = "request pos"
    res = self.stub.PositionReq(request)
    if res.status == 0:"PositionRes {0}, {1}, x:{2}, y:{3}, z:{4}".format(res.status, res.msg, res.position.x, res.position.y, res.position.z))
      self.x, self.y, self.z = res.position.x, res.position.y, res.position.z
      return True
    logger.error("Position Response Error")
    return False

  def open(self): = grpc.insecure_channel(Conf.PosClient)
    self.stub = position_pb2_grpc.PositinServiceStub("Open position client channel: {0}".format(Conf.PosClient))

  def close(self):
  def getPos(self):
    return self.x, self.y, self.z
if __name__ == "__main__":
  import time
  posCl = posClient()
  while True:
      ok = posCl.posRequest()
      if ok:
        x, y, z = posCl.getPos()"{0}, {1}, {2}".format(x, y, z))
    except Exception as e:
      logger.error("client error {0}".format(e))


With the above, location information can be exchanged with gRPC using python. I think gRPC will be a technology that will be used in many situations in the future because it has advantages such as making it easier to build microservices written in multiple languages. Please give it a try.

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