Try using Spyder included in Anaconda

Inspired by this article, I decided to install Spyder in my environment as well. I was wondering if it would be dropped from the official, but I found out that Spyder was installed as a module in Anaconda. (Reference:

Anaconda has already been installed, so I tried using it immediately.

$ spyder

moved. It's nice that Spyder started up, but if you leave it as it is, you will not be able to use the terminal while Spyder is running. So I decided to move it in the background.

$ spyder &

did it. By the way, I thought it would be convenient to set this to alias, so I set it to alias.

$ alias spy="spyder &"

no problem. From now on, let's actively use Spyder for Python development.

* Supplement

If you are using pyenv, you can only start spyder in a location where Anaconda is enabled. So, although it will be a little longer, I reconfigured alias so that ** starts Spyder directly using python in Anaconda under pyenv **.

$ alias spy="~/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-2.3.0/bin/python3.4 ~/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-2.3.0/lib/python3.4/site-packages/spyderlib/ &"

Now, wherever you hit the command, Spyder will launch in the same way. If you want to start each version managed by pyenv, just modify the alias name and versions and below to the one you want.

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