[Unity (C #), Python] Try running Python code in Unity using IronPython

I'm sorry I was late

This article is the 20th day article of Python Advent Calendar 2020.

I am sorry to be late. I'm sorry.

What I wanted to do

I wanted to run the Python code I wrote in the past in Unity.

[Reference link]: [Python] Automatically totals the total number of views of Qiita posted articles using API

I thought it would be convenient to make it an app and pass the input location of personal ID and token via Unity GUI.

** In conclusion, I was able to take a string from Python code and display it on the Unity console. ** **

In the past IronPython used the requests module It seems that it was not straightforward.

[Reference link]: How can I use requests with Ironpython?

Also, there are quite a few articles posted in the past about IronPython, I suffered because there were many changes.

I hope that fewer people will experience the same suffering.

version information

Unity 2020.2.0a13 IronPython 2.7.11


There was a god who summarized it in the Package at the link below. Drop it and import it. [Reference link]: Use Python with Unity 3D – the definitive guide

If you don't like it, you can take it from Github and drag and drop it manually. (Since .msi is an installer, it's easy to drop it.)

[Link]: IronLanguages ​​/ ironpython2

I think that it will work if you put everything except exe. Let's create a folder called Plugins in Unity and put it in. IronPythonSet.PNG

All you have to do is change .NET to 4.x and you're done.


Python side code

This time, I used the following Python code. We have prepared a function that returns a character list. Call this function on the C # side.


# coding: UTF-8
import requests
import json
import math
from msvcrt import getch

class ViewCount():

    USER_ID = 'OKsaiyowa'
    PER_PAGE = 20
    allViews = 0

    headers = {"content-type": "application/json",
            'Authorization': 'Bearer API key'}

    #Send a request and insert a json that includes the total number of posts
    url = 'https://qiita.com/api/v2/users/' + USER_ID
    res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    json_qiita_info = res.json()

    #Pull out the number of posts from json
    items_count = json_qiita_info['items_count']

    #Calculate the number of pages
    page = items_count / PER_PAGE

    def count(self):
        info_list = list()
        info_list.append('|Article title|Number of views|Like count|')

        #Get all posted articles
        for i in range(int(self.page) + 1):

            #Send a request and insert a json containing the information of each article
            url = 'https://qiita.com/api/v2/authenticated_user/items' + \
                '?page=' + str(i + 1)
            res = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
            json_qiita_info = res.json()

            for j in range(self.PER_PAGE):
                    #Pull ID out of json
                    item_id = json_qiita_info[j]['id']

                    #Send a request and insert a json containing the number of views of the article with the specified ID
                    url = 'https://qiita.com/api/v2/items/' + str(item_id)
                    res = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
                    json_view = res.json()

                    #Pull out the number of views from json
                    page_view = json_view['page_views_count']

                    #Addition and substitution to make the total number of views
                    self.allViews += page_view

                    #Display in order of title, number of likes, number of views
                    info_list.append('| ' + json_qiita_info[j]['title'] + ' | ' +
                        str(json_qiita_info[j]['likes_count']) + ' |' +
                        str(page_view) + ' |')

                except IndexError:
                    info_list.append('View total:' + str(self.allViews))
                    #new line
                    info_list = "\n".join(info_list)
                    return info_list
        #Output with line break
        info_list = "\n".join(info_list)
        return info_list

#for test
v = ViewCount()

It's a bit messy, but I'll place this Python file directly under Unity's Asset.

C # side code

Call the function from the Python side code above.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using IronPython.Hosting;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
///Attach to any object on the scene
/// </summary>
public class QiitaViewCountFromPython : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start()
        var engine = Python.CreateEngine();

        ICollection<string> searchPaths = engine.GetSearchPaths();
        //Add the path of the file to be used
        searchPaths.Add(Application.dataPath + @"\Plugins\Lib\");
        searchPaths.Add(Application.dataPath + @"\Plugins\Lib\site-packages\");

        dynamic py = engine.ExecuteFile(Application.dataPath + @"\qiita.py");
        //Get class
        dynamic viewCount = py.ViewCount();
        //Display the string returned by the function on the console


It was output safely.



I didn't make it in time, but I entered the personal ID and token input location. I want to manage to pass it to Python via Unity's GUI.

I will verify it and write more as soon as possible.

Another thing I want to solve is I want to manage the place where it takes almost 2 minutes from execution to output of the result.

It may be unavoidable because I am waiting for a request to be sent back one line at a time. If anyone knows a good way, please let me know.

Reference link

Append, extend, insert to add an element to a list (array) in Python About Python classes Summary of line breaks and convenient operations for Python strings

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