[Comparison of PHP, Ruby, and Python description] For those who are wondering how the description method is different.

__ ◆ Purpose __ After learning Ruby, I started learning PHP with Progate, but the commands are slightly different ... I'm afraid (;;) ... so I was particularly interested in later studies. I summarized it for. I would like to become a "hmm" for beginners who are wondering how different Ruby and PHP are written ...?

__ ** We will continue to update it steadily __

__ ◆ Table of contents __ __1) Iterative processing (foreach/each/for in) 2) Comparison of associative array and hash

  1. Get the value from the associative array / hash
  2. Take the value and assign it to an empty array => Create a new array
  1. Class
  1. Assign a value outside the class
  2. __construct and initialize methods
  3. __construct and initialize methods ~ give arguments ~
  1. Receive as numbers and strings   __

1) Comparison of foreach and each ・ ・ ・ Iterative processing


<?php //← Required in php (not described below)
$prices = array(1000, 650, 750, 800);

$totalPrice = 0
foreach ($prices as $price) {
  $totalPrice += $price;
echo 'The total amount is'.$totalPrice.'It's a yen';
//The following is the same result for array addition. Completed in one line.------
echo 'The total amount is'.array_sum($prices).'It's a yen';

//Output result=>The total amount is 3200 yen


prices = [1000, 650, 750, 800]

totalPrice = 0
prices.each do |price|
  totalPrice += price
puts "The total amount is#{totalPrice}It's a yen"
#The following is the same result for array addition. Completed in one line.------
puts "The total amount is#{prices.sum}It's a yen"

#Output result=>The total amount is 3200 yen


prices = [1000, 650, 750, 800]
totalPrice = 0
for price in prices:
  totalPrice += price
print('The total amount is'+ str(totalPrice) + 'It's a yen')

2) Comparison of associative array and hash

1. Get the value from the associative array / hash

[PHP] Get the value from the associative array.php

$menu = array('name' => 'curry', 'price' => 900);

$name = $menu['name'];
$price = $menu['price'];
echo  $name.'Is'.$price.'It's a yen';
//It's hard to see, but ".Please pay attention to how to use
//Output result=>Curry is 900 yen

[Ruby] Get the value from the hash.rb

menu = {'name' => 'curry', 'price' => 900}

name = menu['name']
price =  menu['price']
puts "#{name}Is#{price}It's a yen"

#Output result=>Curry is 900 yen

2. Take out the value and assign it to an empty array => Create a new array

[PHP] Assign to an empty array (arry_push).php

$menus = array(
  array('name' => 'pizza', 'price' => 900),
  array('name' => 'pasta', 'price' => 1200),

$prices = array();
foreach($menus as $menus){
  $price = $menus['price'];
  array_push($test, $price);
$sum = array_sum($prices);
echo  'The total amount is'.$sum.'It's a yen'

[Ruby] Assign to an empty array.rb

menus = [{'name' => 'pizza', 'price' => 900},{'name' => 'pasta', 'price' => 1200}]

prices = []
menus.each do |menu| 
  price = menu['price']
  prices << price
sum = prices.sum
puts "The total amount is#{sum}It's a yen"

3) Class

1. Substitute a value outside the class


class Animal {
  public $name;
  public function hello() {
    echo  'I'.$this->name.'I have';
$cat = new Menu();
$cat->name = 'Cat';


class Animal
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name
  def changeName=(name) #Setter
    @name = name
  def hello #Getter
    "I#{@name}I have"

cat = Animal.new('')
cat.changeName = 'Cat'
puts cat.hello

2. __construct and initialize methods

【PHP】__construct method.php

class Human {
  public $name;
    public function __construct(){
      echo 'The method is called automatically when you create an instance with new';
$naitou = new Human();
//Output result=>The method is called automatically when you create an instance with new

[Ruby] initialize method.rb

class Human
  def initialize
    puts "initialize was called"
naitou = Human.new
#Output result=>initialize was called

3. __construct and initialize methods ~ give arguments ~

【PHP】__construct method~argument~.php

class Animal {
  // public $name; 
  public function __construct($name) {
    $this->name = $name;
  public function hello() {
    echo 'I'.$this->name.'I have'.'<br>';

$cat = new Animal('Cat');
$dog = new Animal('dog');

$cat ->hello();
$dog ->hello();

[Ruby] initialize method~argument~.rb

class Animal

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name
  def hello
    puts "I#{@name}I have"

cat = Animal.new('Cat')
dog = Animal.new('dog')


4. Receive as numbers and character strings → Calculate and output

Receive as numbers and strings+Calculation.php

$apple_price = 200;
echo 'Please enter the number of apples to buy';
//Get the entered value
$count =trim(fgets(STDIN));
$total_price = $apple_price * $count;
echo  'The total amount of apples to buy'.$total_price.'It's a yen';

Receive as numbers and strings+Calculation.rb

apple_price = 200
#Receive input using input and variable input_Substitute in count
puts "Please enter the number of apples to buy"
#Receive the entered number as a number
count = gets.to_i
total_price = (apple_price * count).to_s
puts "The total amount of apples to buy#{total_price}It's a yen"

Receive as numbers and strings+Calculation.py

apple_price = 200
#Receive input using input and variable input_Substitute in count
input_count = input("Please enter the number of apples to buy:")
#Substitute the entered number as a number"int"
count = int(input_count)
total_price = apple_price * count
#Output the total amount of numbers as letters"str"
print('The total amount of apples to buy' + str(total_price) + 'It's a yen')

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