Summary of differences between Python and PHP (comparison table of main items)

Summary of differences between Python and PHP (comparison table of main items)

Summary of differences between major items such as python and php classes and methods.

Preventing you from knowing which is which.

item Python PHP
function def function name(): function Function name(){}
End of processing new line ;
Comment out # // or /* */
variable Variable name $Variable name
Class definition class class name: class class name{}
constructor def __init__(self): Access right function__construct(){}
instance name of the class() newname of the class()
Property*1 Property name $Property name
Property call instance.Property name instance->Property name
Instance itself self $this
Call own property self.Property name $this->Property name
Method def method name(self) Access right function method name()
Method call instance.Method name() instance->Method name()
Inheritance class class name(Parent class name): class class name extends Parent class name{}
File reading import module name require_once(' ')
Class loading from module name import class name require_once(' ')
Parent class method call super().Method name() parent::Method name()
Class method @classmethod
def method name():
Access rights static function method name(){}
Calling a class method name of the class.Method name() name of the class::Method name()
Class properties (In line with the method definition)
Property name
Access rights static$Property name
Calling class properties name of the class.Property name name of the class::$Property name
output print() echo/print
Array [] array()
Array with keys {Key name:value} array(Key name=>value)
Array name with key Dictionary type Associative array
Number of elements in the array len(Array) count(Array)
Variable expansion*2 f'{variable}' "${variable}"
for statement for variable in range(Open price,closing price,Step)
※closing priceは含まない
for($Variable name=initial value:Conditional expression:Step){}
Extract one by one from the array for variable in array: foreach($Variable name as array)
if statement if conditional expression: if(Conditional expression){}
else if elif conditional expression: elseif (Conditional expression){}
switch statement None switch(){case condition:processing; break;}
and and &&/and
or or 2 pipes/or
Increment operator None ++
Decrement operator None --
Convert to integer type int() intval()
Convert to string type str() strval()
Type conversion to decimal point float() floatval()
3-digit separator '{:,d}'.format(Numerical value)
f'{Numerical value:,d}'

If you look at it in a table, you can easily see the difference and regularity.

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