Summary of installing PHP7.2 on EC2 (Amazon Linux 2) and setting php.ini

Amazon Linux will end support on December 31, 2020, so You now need to migrate to the successor OS, Amazon Linux 2.

I couldn't simply update the OS, so I created a new instance of Amazon Linux 2 and re-installed the middleware.

I thought that I would like to save the trouble of those who do the same thing later, so I summarized it. I hope it helps you, "I want to run PHP on EC2 for the time being !!!": pray:


■ It will be smooth if you finish the preparation of VPC and subnet first. (Because it is linked when creating an EC instance)

If you like, please refer to the following articles! ・ Procedure from creating VPC to creating public / private subnet ①Procedure from creating VPC to creating public / private subnet (2)

■ I will not touch on the construction procedure using CloudFormation this time.

Rough flow

  1. Create an EC2 instance
  2. Set the time zone to Japan
  3. Set the language to Japanese
  4. Set the host name ①
  5. Set the host name ②
  6. Install the LAMP environment
  7. Install the mb module
  8. Install the php-xml module
  9. Set php.ini

1. Create an EC2 instance

** ▼ Reference: Procedure to create EC2 instance from AWS console **

When you install the LAMP environment, you need to ssh to your EC2 instance. Be sure to select Select an existing key pair or Create a new key pair when creating an EC2 instance.

** ▼ Command to ssh to EC2 instance: **

ssh -i [Key pair path] ec2-user@[Public IPv4 address]

2. Set the time zone to Japan

sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Japan /etc/localtime
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/clock



3. Set the language to Japanese

sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/i18n



4. Set the host name ①

Screenshot 2020-12-23 17.44.53.png

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <hostname>

** ▼ Reference: Rename Amazon Linux Instance Hostname --Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud **

It is difficult to understand if you keep the default, so it is recommended to change the host name to something that is easy to understand.

5. Set the host name ② * If you don't need it, skip it.

sudo vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg

Add preserve_hostname: true to the end

** ▼ Reference: How to fix the host name when booting from a custom AMI on Amazon Linux 2 | Developers.IO **

Get a custom AMI → When I started a new instance from the custom AMI, the host name setting was disabled, so it is a setting to keep it enabled.

6. Install the LAMP environment

** ▼ Reference: Tutorial: Installing a LAMP Web Server on Amazon Linux 2-Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud **

7. Install the mb module

** ▼ Reference: Using mbstring with php on Amazon Linux-Qiita **

PHP has a variety of functions for working with multibyte strings. (Example: mb_substr)

If you don't install the mb module, you will get a Fatal error when you run PHP.

8. Install the php-xml module

sudo yum install --enablerepo=remi,remi-php70 php-xml
sudo systemctl restart httpd

You can check that it is installed without any problem with the following command.

[ec2-user@XXXXXX ~]$ yum list installed | grep php-xml
php-xml.x86_64                        7.2.34-1.amzn2                 @amzn2extra-php7.2
[ec2-user@XXXXXX ~]$ 

I got a PHP error Fatal error: Class'DOMDocument' not found because I didn't have the php-xml module installed: japanese_goblin:

9. Set php.ini

** ▼ Reference: [PHP] Settings you want to do after installing PHP --Qiita **

If you copy the initial state /etc/php.ini, make a backup, and then change the settings, you can restore it in case something goes wrong, so you can rest assured.

The session.hash_function etc. described as" security settings "in the above article have been removed from PHP 7.1.0, so no settings are required.


--Rename Amazon Linux Instance Hostname --Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud -How to fix the host name when booting from a custom AMI on Amazon Linux 2 | Developers.IO -Tutorial: Install LAMP Web Server on Amazon Linux 2-Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud --Using mbstring with php on Amazon Linux --Qiita -[PHP] Settings you want to do after installing PHP-Qiita -PHP: Runtime Settings --Manual

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