Install PHP 7 series on Amazon Linux 2 with Amazon Linux Extras

I can't install PHP7 on Amazon Linux2! !! ?? ??

Until 30 minutes before writing this article, I was fighting the console halfway.

For some reason, when I tried to install the remi version of PHP 7.1, no matter how many times I hit it


Error: Package: php-xml-7.1.33-10.el7.remi.x86_64 (remi-php71)
Error: Package: php-xml-7.1.33-10.el7.remi.x86_64 (remi-php71)

I got a feeling that the installation did not proceed at all, I wondered if I couldn't install it because I didn't have enough related packages, so I searched and tried various things. "I can't install it because it's already new and used for other things." Something like that came out ** Head eruption. ** **

Helping hand

After several installation failures, the following answer came back from AL2.

php-fpm is available in Amazon Linux Extra topics "php7.2" and "lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2" and "php7.3" and "php7.4"

To use, run
$ sudo amazon-linux-extras install :topic:

Learn more at

[wrap up] If you use php7.2 in the dependent package, you can use it with ** amazon-linux-extras **. Hit the amazon-linux-extras command. See the documentation ( for more information.

What is Amazon Linux Extras! ??

It's like a standard package on CentOS. It will be supported for a long time until June 30, 2023, when ** Amazon Linux is no longer supported. ** **

You can see a list of packages available in $ amazon-linux-extras list. I'm happy to be able to use php7.2-7.4! Initially I tried to put it in 7.1, but I decided to put it in because 7.2 was fine.

$ sudo amazon-linux-extras list
  0  ansible2                 available    \
        [ =2.4.2  =2.4.6  =2.8  =stable ]
  2  httpd_modules            available    [ =1.0  =stable ]
  3  memcached1.5             available    \
        [ =1.5.1  =1.5.16  =1.5.17 ]
  5  postgresql9.6            available    \
        [ =9.6.6  =9.6.8  =stable ]
  6  postgresql10             available    [ =10  =stable ]
  8  redis4.0                 available    \
        [ =4.0.5  =4.0.10  =stable ]
  9  R3.4                     available    [ =3.4.3  =stable ]
 10  rust1                    available    \
        [ =1.22.1  =1.26.0  =1.26.1  =1.27.2  =1.31.0  =1.38.0
          =stable ]
 11  vim                      available    [ =8.0  =stable ]
 15  php7.2                   available    \
        [ =7.2.0  =7.2.4  =7.2.5  =7.2.8  =7.2.11  =7.2.13  =7.2.14
          =7.2.16  =7.2.17  =7.2.19  =7.2.21  =7.2.22  =7.2.23
          =7.2.24  =7.2.26  =stable ]
 17  lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2  available    \
        [ =10.2.10_7.2.0  =10.2.10_7.2.4  =10.2.10_7.2.5
          =10.2.10_7.2.8  =10.2.10_7.2.11  =10.2.10_7.2.13
          =10.2.10_7.2.14  =10.2.10_7.2.16  =10.2.10_7.2.17
          =10.2.10_7.2.19  =10.2.10_7.2.22  =10.2.10_7.2.23
          =10.2.10_7.2.24  =stable ]
 18  libreoffice              available    \
        [ =  =  =stable ]
 19  gimp                     available    [ =2.8.22 ]
 20  docker=latest            enabled      \
        [ =17.12.1  =18.03.1  =18.06.1  =18.09.9  =stable ]
 21  mate-desktop1.x          available    \
        [ =1.19.0  =1.20.0  =stable ]
 22  GraphicsMagick1.3        available    \
        [ =1.3.29  =1.3.32  =1.3.34  =stable ]
 23  tomcat8.5                available    \
        [ =8.5.31  =8.5.32  =8.5.38  =8.5.40  =8.5.42  =8.5.50
          =stable ]
 24  epel                     available    [ =7.11  =stable ]
 25  testing                  available    [ =1.0  =stable ]
 26  ecs                      available    [ =stable ]
 27  corretto8                available    \
        [ =1.8.0_192  =1.8.0_202  =1.8.0_212  =1.8.0_222  =1.8.0_232
          =1.8.0_242  =stable ]
 28  firecracker              available    [ =0.11  =stable ]
 29  golang1.11               available    \
        [ =1.11.3  =1.11.11  =1.11.13  =stable ]
 30  squid4                   available    [ =4  =stable ]
 31  php7.3                   available    \
        [ =7.3.2  =7.3.3  =7.3.4  =7.3.6  =7.3.8  =7.3.9  =7.3.10
          =7.3.11  =7.3.13  =stable ]
 32  lustre2.10               available    \
        [ =2.10.5  =2.10.8  =stable ]
 33  java-openjdk11           available    [ =11  =stable ]
 34  lynis                    available    [ =stable ]
 35  kernel-ng                available    [ =stable ]
 36  BCC                      available    [ =0.x  =stable ]
 37  mono                     available    [ =5.x  =stable ]
 38  nginx1                   available    [ =stable ]
 39  ruby2.6                  available    [ =2.6  =stable ]
 40  mock                     available    [ =stable ]
 41  postgresql11             available    [ =11  =stable ]
 42  php7.4                   available    [ =stable ]
 43  livepatch                available    [ =stable ]
 44  python3.8                available    [ =stable ]
 45  haproxy2                 available    [ =stable ]
 46  collectd                 available    [ =stable ]
 47  aws-nitro-enclaves-cli   available    [ =stable ]
 48  R4                       available    [ =stable ]


php7.2 installation

$ sudo amazon-linux-extras install php7.2
  php-cli.x86_64 0:7.2.34-1.amzn2 php-fpm.x86_64 0:7.2.34-1.amzn2 php-json.x86_64 0:7.2.34-1.amzn2 php-mysqlnd.x86_64 0:7.2.34-1.amzn2
  php-pdo.x86_64 0:7.2.34-1.amzn2

Dependency Installed:
  libzip5.x86_64 0:1.7.3-1.el7.remi                                  php-common.x86_64 0:7.2.34-1.amzn2


php version check

$ php -v
PHP 7.2.34 (cli) (built: Oct 21 2020 18:03:20) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies

** It ended in an instant? ** **


Knowing this, I didn't have to put in or install extra repositories to pollute my instance. .. We provide it on the basic CentOS, but if Amazon Linux has wider middleware support, This may be better ... PHP that is not the OS standard is also released as a special support, but it will expire in 2 years of support.

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