[Python] Summary of conversion between character strings and numerical values (ascii code)


I have summarized how to calculate characters and ascii code in Python for myself. It has been confirmed to work with Python 3.4.3 on AtCoder.

Conversion method

You can convert each other with ʻord ('character')andchr (numerical value)`.

s = 'A'

ord_s = ord(s)
print(ord_s)  # 65

chr_s = chr(ord_s)
print(chr_s)  # A

Conversion table

As a summary, the correspondence table between ascii code and characters is described. The item ʻascii code` in the table below shows the notation in decimal.

Important conversion pickup

ascii code Hexadecimal letter
48 0x30 0
57 0x39 9
... ... ...
65 0x41 A
90 0x5a Z
... ... ...
97 0x61 a
122 0x7a z

For example, uppercase and lowercase letters can be converted by converting them to ascii code and then + 32. (Of course you can also use .replace ())

s = 'A'
small_s = chr(ord(s)+32)
print(small_s)  # a


Please note that the numbers here are ** numbers as letters **.

ascii code Hexadecimal letter
48 0x30 0
49 0x31 1
50 0x32 2
51 0x33 3
52 0x34 4
53 0x35 5
54 0x36 6
55 0x37 7
56 0x38 8
57 0x39 9

Uppercase alphabet

ascii code Hexadecimal letter
65 0x41 A
66 0x42 B
67 0x43 C
68 0x44 D
69 0x45 E
70 0x46 F
71 0x47 G
72 0x48 H
73 0x49 I
74 0x4a J
75 0x4b K
76 0x4c L
77 0x4d M
78 0x4e N
79 0x4f O
80 0x50 P
81 0x51 Q
82 0x52 R
83 0x53 S
84 0x54 T
85 0x55 U
86 0x56 V
87 0x57 W
88 0x58 X
89 0x59 Y
90 0x5a Z

Lowercase alphabet

ascii code Hexadecimal letter
97 0x61 a
98 0x62 b
99 0x63 c
100 0x64 d
101 0x65 e
102 0x66 f
103 0x67 g
104 0x68 h
105 0x69 i
106 0x6a j
107 0x6b k
108 0x6c l
109 0x6d m
110 0x6e n
111 0x6f o
112 0x70 p
113 0x71 q
114 0x72 r
115 0x73 s
116 0x74 t
117 0x75 u
118 0x76 v
119 0x77 w
120 0x78 x
121 0x79 y
122 0x7a z

at the end

Thank you for browsing. Please point out any mistakes.

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