[Python] Types of statistical values (features) and calculation methods


It uses numpy and scipy, so please import it first.


import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

Maximum value, minimum value


#Maximum value

#minimum value




Mean, variance, standard deviation

When the variance and standard deviation are calculated using Numpy, the unbiased variance and unbiased standard deviation are returned by default.




#standard deviation

Skewness, kurtosis




Root mean square


#Root mean square

Frequency domain entropy


fft_data = np.fft.fft(data)

#Power spectrum
power_data = abs(fft_data)**2

#Power spectrum ratio
p = power_data / sum(power_data)

#Frequency domain entropy


def ent(data):
   ent = 0
   for i in range(data_size):
       ent += data[i]*np.log2(data[i])
   return -ent

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