[Python] A program that finds the minimum and maximum values without using methods

[Python] How to find the minimum value without using a method

How to find the minimum value without using the min or max methods.

Way of thinking

Repeat the comparison of the two elements.

** ▼ When finding the minimum value ** ・ First element: The initial value is the 0th value. This is the current minimum value.

Replace the smaller one with the current minimum value compared to the second element.

・ Second element: The next element. Move up one by one. It is always compared to the current minimum. 

Find the minimum value


def min_val(arr):
  min = 0  #For the first time, set the 0th to the current minimum value (specified by the sequence number)
  for i in range(1, len(arr)):
    if arr[min] > arr[i]:  #If the next number is smaller in comparison, replace the current lowest sequence number.
      min = i


a = [2,4,5,3,10,1,8,6,3,2]


## Find the maximum value Just replace the inequality sign in the if statement.


def max_val(arr):
  max = 0
  for i in range(1, len(arr)):
    if arr[max] < arr[i]:
      max = i


a = [2,4,5,3,10,1,8,6,3,2]


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