Extract the maximum value with pandas and change that value

First, In a directory (folder) called output_files Create a csv file named data.csv.

The contents are apple, 4 banana, 5 orange, 15 It has become.


apple, 4
banana, 5
orange, 15

From this csv file Extract 15 with the largest number, The goal is to add 1 to that 15 and rewrite it to 16.


import pandas as pd

#data.Maximum value of csv+1 Function to do
def rewrite_pop():
    # data.Load csv and pop maximum_fur_Store in cou
    df = pd.read_csv('output_files/data.csv', names=['fru_name', 'count', ])
    pop_fur_cou = int(df.iat[df['count'].idxmax(), 1])
    #Pop which is the maximum value_fur_cou+1
    pop_fur_cou += 1
    #Data increased by 1.Overwrite csv
    df.iat[df['count'].idxmax(), 1] = pop_fur_cou
    df.to_csv('output_files/data.csv', index=False, header=False)



df.iat[df['count'].idxmax(), 1] = pop_fur_cou



df.loc[df["count"].idxmax(), "count"] = pop_fur_cou

May be better. .. ..

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