Find the SHA256 value with R (with bonus)

It's a memo because I have too few opportunities to use it and I can't remember when I thought about using it.

Execution environment

SHA256 in R

SHA256 in R

if (!require("openssl")) install.packages("openssl")
# -> [1] "ce06092fb948d9ffac7d1a376e404b26b7575bcc11ee05a4615fef4fec3a308b"

if (!require("openssl")) install.packages("openssl")
# -> [1] "3564dcbd2cb0145ebf4a2f1219f9354a4c91936f0bdfe545bbc5140bcd7bba42"

When running from the command line

When running from the command line

Rscript -e '
if (!require("openssl")) install.packages("openssl")

Make sure the result is really correct

I'm worried if it really matches ... I thought that this anxiety could not be dispelled without checking whether the results were the same in different environments, so when I looked it up, it was easy enough to write in one liner in many cases, so it is a memo.

I wondered if I should run two or three of the following that seem to be possible, including Japanese, and check if the results are the same.

Linux commands

SHA256 test (Linux command)

#echo+use sha256sum
echo -n "hello!" | sha256sum
# -> ce06092fb948d9ffac7d1a376e404b26b7575bcc11ee05a4615fef4fec3a308b  -

echo -n "Halo!" | sha256sum
# -> 3564dcbd2cb0145ebf4a2f1219f9354a4c91936f0bdfe545bbc5140bcd7bba42  -

#echo+use openssl
echo -n "hello!" | openssl sha256
# -> (stdin)= ce06092fb948d9ffac7d1a376e404b26b7575bcc11ee05a4615fef4fec3a308b

echo -n "Halo!" | openssl sha256
# -> (stdin)= 3564dcbd2cb0145ebf4a2f1219f9354a4c91936f0bdfe545bbc5140bcd7bba42

The printf command may be better, as the echo command may forget the -n option.

SHA256 test with printf (Linux command)

printf "hello!" | sha256sum
# -> ce06092fb948d9ffac7d1a376e404b26b7575bcc11ee05a4615fef4fec3a308b  -

printf "Halo!" | sha256sum
# -> 3564dcbd2cb0145ebf4a2f1219f9354a4c91936f0bdfe545bbc5140bcd7bba42  -


SHA256 test (Node.js)

// -> ce06092fb948d9ffac7d1a376e404b26b7575bcc11ee05a4615fef4fec3a308b

// -> 3564dcbd2cb0145ebf4a2f1219f9354a4c91936f0bdfe545bbc5140bcd7bba42

When running from the command line

When running from the command line

node -e '


SHA256 test (Python)


When running from the command line

When running from the command line

python3 -c '


SHA256 test (Ruby)

require "digest/sha2"
print Digest::SHA256.hexdigest("hello!")
# -> "ce06092fb948d9ffac7d1a376e404b26b7575bcc11ee05a4615fef4fec3a308b"

require "digest/sha2"
print Digest::SHA256.hexdigest("Halo!")
# -> "3564dcbd2cb0145ebf4a2f1219f9354a4c91936f0bdfe545bbc5140bcd7bba42"

require "openssl"
print OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest("hello!")
# -> "ce06092fb948d9ffac7d1a376e404b26b7575bcc11ee05a4615fef4fec3a308b"

require "openssl"
print OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest("Halo!")
# -> "3564dcbd2cb0145ebf4a2f1219f9354a4c91936f0bdfe545bbc5140bcd7bba42"

When running from the command line

When running from the command line

ruby -e '
require "openssl"
print OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest("hello!")


SHA256 test (Perl)

use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
print sha256_hex("hello!");
# -> ce06092fb948d9ffac7d1a376e404b26b7575bcc11ee05a4615fef4fec3a308b

use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
print sha256_hex("Halo!");
# -> 3564dcbd2cb0145ebf4a2f1219f9354a4c91936f0bdfe545bbc5140bcd7bba42

When running from the command line

When running from the command line

perl -e '
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
print sha256_hex("hello!");


SHA256 test (JavaScript)

/* from digest
async function digestMessage(message) {
  const msgUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(message);
  const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', msgUint8);
  const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
  const hashHex =>b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');
  return hashHex;

console.log(await digestMessage("hello!"))
// -> ce06092fb948d9ffac7d1a376e404b26b7575bcc11ee05a4615fef4fec3a308b

console.log(await digestMessage("Halo!"))
// -> 3564dcbd2cb0145ebf4a2f1219f9354a4c91936f0bdfe545bbc5140bcd7bba42

//When you want to execute all at once with map
let target = ["hello!", "Halo!"];
console.log(await Promise.all(>digestMessage(s))))
// -> [

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