[Python] Find the second smallest value.

[Python] Find the second smallest value.

This is a personal memo.

· Nested list of given numbers and names ・ Extract the name of the person with the second smallest number in alphabetical order

▼sample input


▼my answer

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #Prepare an array to store the values

    for _ in range(int(input())):
        name = input()
        score = float(input())
        nameScore=[name, score]
  #Sort by name alphabetically
    nameScores = sorted(nameScores) 
    #Find the second smallest value
    secondlow = sorted(set(scores))[1]
    #Extract the name with the minimum value
    for nameScore in nameScores:
        if nameScore[1]==secondlow:

Array.append (value) Add value to array

Sorted Sort the array in ascending order (0th element in case of nesting) Alphabet = a ~ Numerical value = 0 ~

Descending order and key elements can be specified as options. ・ Descending order: reverse = True -Key specification: Specify with a lambda expression. key = lambda val: val [index number] key = lambda x: x [key name]

Set () Remove duplicate values set type

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