Find the Hermitian matrix and its eigenvalues in Python

Thing you want to do:

--Creating a Hermite matrix of linear algebra and cking it in Python --Cck in Python that the eigenvalue is real

What is the Hermite matrix?

The matrix $ A $ is transposed, and the complex conjugate of each component is called the conjugate transpose, which is represented by $ A ^ {\ dagger} $. What is Hermite at this time?


Is established

(Sample) Matrix definition

1 & 2+\sqrt{-1} \\
2-\sqrt{-1} & 4 
\right), B:=A^{\dagger}

(That is, let's put $ B $ as a conjugate matrix of $ A $):

> import numpy as np
> A = np.array([[1,2+1j],[2-1j,4]])
> B = np.conjugate(A.T) #Transpose, complex conjugate!

For the time being, the contents of ck

> A
array([[ 1.+0.j,  2.+1.j],
       [ 2.-1.j,  4.+0.j]])
> B
array([[ 1.-0.j,  2.+1.j],
       [ 2.-1.j,  4.-0.j]])

Check that it is a Hermite matrix

Since $ B = A ^ {\ dagger} $, I wish I could say $ A = B $.

> A-B
array([[ 0.+0.j,  0.+0.j],
       [ 0.+0.j,  0.+0.j]]) #OK!Well, it's a duck that you can see if you look at it, but ...

Then, would you like to find the eigenvalue?

The eigenvalues of the Hermite matrix $ A $ are real, but it's a check. The eigen equation is $ \ det (\ lambda I_2-A) = 0 $, isn't it?

\det(\lambda I_2-A) &=& (\lambda-1)(\lambda-4)-(2+\sqrt{-1})(2-\sqrt{-1})\\
&=& \lambda^2-5\lambda+4-5 \\
&=& \lambda^2-5\lambda-1

So, in theory, this is the case:

\lambda = \frac{5\pm\sqrt{25-4\times(-1)}}{2}=\frac{5\pm\sqrt{29}}{2}

It's a real number! In terms of implementation

> eigen_value, eigen_vector = np.linalg.eig(A)
> eigen_value
array([-0.1925824 -3.07382855e-18j,  5.1925824 -2.18970776e-16j])
> (5-np.sqrt(29))/2
> (5+np.sqrt(29))/2

So, the imaginary part has popped out, but as usual, it's a numerical one.

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