Object A combination of data and instructions (methods). ** Data. Method (argument 1, argument 2, ...) ** form.
Class Blueprint of the object. A class that summarizes what kind of blueprint an object has and how it behaves.
Instance An object created from a class.
Attributes Something like a variable that an instance has. Shaped like ** instance.attribute **.
Method A function that is associated with data and processes or manipulates the data. It only refers to the functions defined in the class. It is different from a function that can be called alone.
Reference material [Minna no Python 4th Edition](https://www.amazon.co.jp/Minna no Python-4th Edition-Shibata-Jun / dp / 479738946X / ref = sr_1_1? __mk_ja_JP = Katakana & keywords = Everyone's python & qid = 1582443065 & sr = 8 -1) What is the difference between a function and a method (explained in Python)
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