A quick comparison of Python and node.js test libraries

It's been 4 days since I started writing javascript tests. While investigating various test frameworks, it's all about things like what's happening now, but I'll make a note of it when it's organized.

There are many places that are missing below, so I will update it from time to time..


language Library management tool Test framework Communication around(API testing) Mock library
Python pip, easy_install unittest, py.test requests mock
node.js npm mocha, chai supertest, superagent sinon

That's all I've finally touched. It seems that there are testems, phantomjs, and many other things, but I haven't caught up yet (tears).

Test environment construction

Create an environment that does not depend on the outside.


Python uses virtualenv and pip.

virtualenv -p python2.7 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install py.test requests mock


node.js is npm! I once wrote a detailed installation method on blog. For reference. If it becomes. Speaking of which, I wrote it in coffeescript.

npm init
npm install coffee-script mocha chai supertest superagent sinon --save-dev

Run the test code

An example of the test code will be written in the API acquisition test and the test using the mock below. The test code is assumed to be under test /.


source venv/bin/activate
py.test tests/*.py -v -k


./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha test/*.coffee --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register -R list 

By the way, from version-1.7.0 of coffee-script, it seems that you have to change the option when compiling to coffee-script / register.

Testing around communication


#API acquisition test
import unittest
import requests

class TestAPI(unittest.TestCase):
    def get_api(self):
        res = requests.get(
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
        return res
    def test_sample(self):
        res = self.get_api()
        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIsInstance(res.json()['age'], int)
        self.assertEqual(res.json()['age'], 25)


#API acquisition test
assert = require('assert')
request = require('superagent')

describe 'test: ', ->
  it 'testing for API', (done) ->
      .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
      .end (error, res) ->
        if error
          return done(err)
        assert.equal(res.status, 200)
        assert.typeOf(res.body['age'], 'number')
        assert.equal(res.body['age'], 25)

Testing with a mock

If you want to test a function that returns a random number, write an example that defines and asserts a mock to return a random function to a constant.


#Function to be tested
from random import random
def foo(x):
    return random() * x

import unittest
from mock import Mock

class TestMock(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_sample(self):
        random = Mock()
        random.return_value = 0.5
        self.assertEqual(foo(10), 5) 


#Function to be tested
foo = (x) ->
    return Math.random() * x

assert = require('assert')
sinon = require('sinon')

describe 'test: ', ->
  it 'testing for foo()', (done) ->
    stub = sinon.stub(Math, 'random')
    assert.equal(foo(10), 5)

I tried to correlate roughly. I will write the tests around the GUI from now on, so I will explore it by groping. I would like to compare the RSpec test of ruby. When I feel like it, [blog](http://pydiary.bitbucket. May write in org /).

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