Python (Python 3.7.7) installation and basic grammar

I installed python and summarized the basic grammar flat. Make the article understandable just by looking at anyone who has worked on some PG language ** I would like to brush up each time **


■ Installation package Download the required version (this time select the Windows x86-64 web-based installer for 3.7.7) and install it. ☑ of Install for all users has been removed. When completed, the file will be created below.   C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Programs\Python


Use of IDEL

When the installation is complete, Python will be added to the menu as shown. Untitled.png Typical development support tools include PyCharm, Microsoft Visual Studio, and eclipse (PyDev add-in), but this page uses IDEL, which is the default installed development tool.

  1. Select IDEL and start it. If you don't like the white screen, select Option → config IDLE → Highlights and select IDLE Dark.

  2. Select File → New File to open another window.

  3. Write the command statement in python in a separate window and execute Save (Ctrl + S) → Run Module (F5) to execute the process on the Shell screen.

Basic grammar

I will briefly describe how to use it. Please refer to the comments for explanations. At least this is enough to make it readable.

#The comment is sharp.

#<Part 1: hello world ・ ・ ・ Do not put space before print, double-byte space is also prohibited>
print('hello world')

#<Part 2: Arguments of print function>
print('hello world',10,10.5)         #Output with multiple arguments
print('hello world',10,10.5,sep=':')  #Delimiter

#<Part 3: Variable (type is automatic conversion) and data input (if input, type will be Str even if you enter numbers)>
test = input('Please put something')
print(test)             #Variable output
print((int(test))*1.08) #When calculating, convert str to int and calculate

#<Part 4: How to operate character strings>
test ='SAMPLE'.replace('A','I') #String replacement

#<Part 5: Conditional branching>
test = input('Please put in a horse number')
if test.isdigit():  #Judgment of whether it is a numerical value(In the opposite case, if not)
    umaban = int(test)
    if umaban <6 :  #6 or less(Conditional statement nesting)
        print('The inner frame')
    elif umaban <12 :  #If 12 or less
        print('Middle frame')
    else:  #If not less than 12
        print('Outer frame')
else:  #If not a number
    print('Please enter a number')

#<Part 6: Loop for statement>
dayOfWeek =['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday']
for day in dayOfWeek : #All list of arrays
for day in dayOfWeek[1:6] : #List of arrays 2nd to 5th
for test2 in range(5) : #Repeat 5 times
    test2 = test2 + 1
for test3 in range(6,11) : #6 repeats up to 10 times
    test3 = test3 + 2 #Experiment. test3
    print(test3,'When manually added')

#<Part 7: Definition of function>
def method1(): #No arguments
    print('Everyone','Comment 1')
def method2(other): #With arguments
    print(other,'Comment 2')


that's all.

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