Python3 Engineer Certification Basic Exam-Notes and Problem Trends-

Python3 Engineer Basic Certification Exam

■ Exam details

Examination date: All year round (check the examination venue as it is also held at computer schools) Application URL: Examination fee: 10,000 yen (excluding tax)

■ Exam outline

Exam name: Python3 engineer certification basic exam (English name: Python 3 Certified Engineer Basic Examination) Qualification name: Python3 engineer certification basic examination passer (English name: Python 3 Basic Grammar Certification) Summary: Exams that ask the basics of grammar Number of questions: 40 questions (all selection questions: 1 question 25 points calculation) Test time: 60 minutes Pass line: 70% correct answer rate Scope of questions: O'Reilly Japan "Python Tutorial 3rd Edition" and general knowledge

■ Practice test URL

My programming level

I'm a beginner.

■Progato ・ Ruby ・ Python

■Kaggle ・ Only touch

■Rails tutorial ・ Completed up to the final 14 chapters

Mock test content

From here, I will write the answer based on the question.

Question 1: Choose from the options to show all packages installed in your virtual environment.

Correct answer: pip list

pip is used for package management. The main thing you can do is package ・ Installation ·upgrade ・ Remove There are various other commands, some of which are summarized in the table below.

subcommand meaning
install Can be installed by specifying a package
--You can install the latest version with update
uninstall Reverse of install
freeze List of installed packages (display for install)
list View all packages installed in the virtual environment
show show Show package information by package name
Question 2: Select the output result when the following program is executed.

Correct answer: 0 1 2

num_list  = [2, 4, 6, 4, 4, 2, 6]
for i in range(num_list.count(4)):
    print(i, end=' ')

count is a method to count the number of targets. By repeating with for and entering end ='' Expressed as 0 1 2.

Question 3: Select the correct output result when the following program is executed.

Correct answer: Noro

def dive_into_code(teacher, *mentor):

dive_into_code('Noro', 'Nakao', 'Miyaoka')

The erratic positional arguments ('Nakao','Miyaoka') are collectively assigned to (* menter).

Similar problems

dic = [
    ['Noro', 'Nakao', 'Miyaoka'],
    ['Kimura', 'Miyashita', 'Shibata'],
    ['Matsumoto', 'Tanaka', 'Ivan'],


Correct answer: [('Noro','Kimura','Matsumoto'), ('Nakao','Miyashita','Tanaka'), ('Miyaoka','Shibata','Ivan')]

Question 4: Select the correct output result when the following program is executed.

Mock exam questions

dive_into_code = [(1, 'Noro'), (2, 'Nakao'), (3, 'Miyaoka'), (4, 'Kimura')]
dic = dive_into_code
#1 sorts the second element in ascending order. If it is 0, the first element is sorted in ascending order.
dic.sort(key=lambda dic: dic[1]) 


Correct answer: [(4,'Kimura'), (3,'Miyaoka'), (2,'Nakao'), (1,'Noro')] So you sort by K → M → Na → No.

Question 5: Select the correct output result when the following program is executed.

Correct answer: xxxxCODExxxxDIVExxxxDIVE

d = 'xxxxDIVExxxxDIVExxxxDIVE'

print(d.replace('DIVE', 'CODE', 1))

String.replace (string before replacement, string after replacement, maximum number of times)

Question 6: Select the correct output result when the following program is executed.

Correct answer: 3.142

% Overall width. Width after the decimal point f

print("Output result:")
print('Pi is%5.It is 3f.'%math.pi)

Pi is 3.142
Question 7: Select the correct output result when the following program is executed.

Correct answer: [('Noro','Kimura','Matsumoto'), ('Nakao','Miyashita','Tanaka'), ('Miyaoka','Shibata','Ivan')]

How to change list type: list to dictionary type: dictionary using zip

dic = [
    ['Noro', 'Nakao', 'Miyaoka'],
    ['Kimura', 'Miyashita', 'Shibata'],
    ['Matsumoto', 'Tanaka', 'Ivan'],


I referred to the following.

that's all

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