Following the Previously Taken Python3 Engineer Certification Basic Exam, I took and passed the Python3 Engineer Certification Data Analysis Exam. I would like to summarize the study method for passing and what I thought after taking the exam as well as the basic exam.
This is a private qualification test conducted by Python Engineer Development Promotion Association. It started in the spring of 2020 as a test to ask the basics and methods of data analysis using Python.
The test method is CBT, and you can take the test at any test center nationwide, and the test fee is 10,000 yen (excluding tax).
It is said that the question is given from "A new textbook for data analysis using Python" (Shoeisha). I used the above materials, but it may be okay if there is not so much new information. In fact, the designated teaching materials are thin and the index is difficult to use, so honestly it is delicate. However, as with the basic exam, the code in the designated teaching materials will appear as it is, so it is advantageous for the exam. (Suddenly, the story of the data set that is included in the library as standard comes out, so I'm scared if I don't know.)
I studied 2-4 repeatedly.
I spent about a whole week studying intensively for the exam. It took about 50 hours to study data analysis regardless of the exam.
How was it when you actually took the exam?
It is not difficult if you have some experience of reading designated teaching materials and actually analyzing data. Like the basic exam, the __ mock exam is a little more difficult __. __ I have the exact same problem as the mock exam __. It is overwhelmingly quicker to understand if you have actually touched the library, so we recommend that you try data analysis once through the SIGNATE and Kaggle competitions. You will not be given a notepad in the exam, so you will need to do some mental arithmetic and memorization. To be honest, I was a little impatient ...
If you pass the exam as well as the basic exam and apply for the passing experience, you will receive official ~~ news ~~ goods. Only those who have passed the data analysis test can select stickers. It seems that a thermos water bottle has recently been added to the goods. This is practical.
These private qualifications are meaningless! Some people say that, but I personally think that it is an ant because it can be a motivation for studying and a proof of knowledge. (I think it's meaningless for people who have a certain amount of achievements to receive it now ...)
In the future, I would like to aim for the second grade of statistical test, but I think it will be a while as the difficulty level jumps up.
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