LEGO Mindstorms 51515 Python Programming

New Mindstorms released !!!

The LEGO MINDSTORMS 51515 was released on October 15, 2020, but unfortunately it was not released in Japan ... I was disappointed, so I searched for it on UK Amazon, but it was sold cheaper than I expected, so I bought it.

Check if Python can be used for the time being

スクリーンショット 2020-10-26 21.32.01.png

This is the application screen. When I click on the code and press new project, it looks like it's still BETA version.

スクリーンショット 2020-10-26 21.21.35.png

Project screen

スクリーンショット 2020-10-26 21.34.32.png

Press the book mark in the center on the right to open the knowledge base. For the time being, I'm reading a lot now. When I connected to the smart hub and pressed the play button at the bottom right, I heard a small beep. It's a BETA version, but it seems to be enjoyable normally.

I think I can enjoy various things

Since I first touched MINDSTORMS, I don't know what the successive models look like, but it seems that I can also record sounds and edit them. スクリーンショット 2020-10-25 21.40.51.png

I think it's the best item that you can program while playing with LEGO, and if you have time, I'd like to post Mindstorms stories!


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