Building a python environment with virtualenv and direnv

Make python version control and build a virtual environment as easy as possible without using the system python.

Version control for the python interpreter

Install pythonz

$ curl -kL | bash
$ echo '[[ -s $HOME/.pythonz/etc/bashrc ]] && source $HOME/.pythonz/etc/bashrc' >> $HOME/.bashrc
$ exec $SHELL

Install and list python

$ pythonz list -a #Checking which python can be installed
$ pythonz install 3.6.0
#List of installed python
$ pythonz list

User default python environment settings

Install virtualenv

Only then you have to use the system python

$ sudo pip install virtualenv
( or $ pip install --user virtualenv)

Environment construction for default

$ mkdir -p $HOME/.virtualenvs
$ virtualenv -p $HOME/.pythonz/pythons/CPython-3.6.0/bin/python $HOME/.virtualenvs/default
$ echo ". $HOME/.virtualenvs/default/bin/activate" >> $HOME/.zshrc
$ exec $SHELL

Environment construction for each project

Install direnv

Premise that go is installed

$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go install
$ echo 'type direnv > /dev/null 2>&1 && eval "$(direnv hook bash)" ' >> $HOME/.zshrc

How to use direnv

$ mkdir -p project
$ cd project
$ direnv edit .


layout python $(pythonz locate 3.6.0)


Building a Python development environment (pythonz, virtualenv, direnv)

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