Building and enabling a python virtual environment, etc. (venv)


Make a note of how to create a virtual environment with python, how to enter (activate) the virtual environment, how to exit, etc. When I create a web application with python and deploy it, I write a library with reqirements.txt, but it is one of the causes that it becomes heavy if there is a library that is not used in the application. In such a case, use a virtual environment.

The activation method is slightly different for Windows and Mac.


Prepare a folder to create a virtual environment. This time, assuming that Desktop has a folder called test, create a virtual environment here.

Create virtual environment

Open Anaconda Prompt for Windows or Terminal for Mac and set the test folder to the current directory. In this state

python -m venv venv

And press Enter. This will create a folder named venv. This folder is the virtual environment. Virtual environments that are no longer needed can be destroyed by deleting this folder.

Enable virtual environment

On windows


On Mac

source venv/bin/activate

You can enable it with. When you run this command, (base) becomes (venv). If this happens, you are in a virtual environment.

Install the required libraries in (venv) state (pip, conda, etc.)

Exit the virtual environment


Just hit.

that's all.

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