From installing Ansible to building a Python environment in Vagrant's virtual environment

Record the flow from Mac to setting up Python environment using Ansible for Vagrant virtual machine.



My ability


  1. Virtual machine preparation

  2. Move to the folder (AnsTest) where you want to put the virtual machine configuration file.

    1. vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
  3. A file called `` `Vagrantfile``` will be created, so open it with your favorite editor.

  4. Uncomment `` `" private_network ", ip:" "```.

  5. Create a Python virtual environment on the host

  6. ``` mkvirtualenv ans --no-site-packages --python = (Python path)` ``

  7. Specify Python 2.x series. It seems that Python 3.x series will be supported in the future.

  8. Install Ansible

    1. pip install ansible
  9. Creating and deploying inventory files

  10. Place it in `` `/ etc / ansiblewith the name hosts``` (optional).

  11. Write the following content. In [], enter the name to be specified as host in the playbook later, and the IP address in the line commented out in the Vagrantfile.

  12. Create a playbook

  1. Run Ansible
  2. ansible-playbook provision_vagrant.yml -k
  3. You will be prompted for a password with the -k option. Otherwise, you may get an authentication failure error. The default is `` `vagrant```.

About the contents of the playbook

There are many other good articles on basic writing and how to use modules, so I'll only write about where I'm addicted.

- name:Name of processing
  (Module name):(...)
  (Module execution details):(...)
- name:Name of processing
  (Module name):(...)
  (Module execution details):(...)


However, in some cases, `attribute = value` is written next to the module name, {{variable}} is told or not double quoted, and the grammar is still unknown.

Future goals


Ansible Kotohajime

Introduction to Ansible

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