Try something like Python for-else in Ruby


Read Effective Python Memo Item 12 Avoid using else blocks after for and while loops, and wonder how to write it as Ruby. Became.

things to do

a = 4
b = 9
for i in range(2, min(a, b) + 1):
    print('Testing', i)
    if a % i == 0 and b % i == 0:
        print('Not coprime')

The ʻelse` clause is executed when the loop ends uninterrupted. Sure, it's not intuitive. I'll do this with Ruby.


Ignoring the ʻelse` clause, in the case of Ruby,

a = 4
b = 9
(2..[a, b].min).each do |i|
  puts "Testing: #{i}"
  if (a % i).zero? && (b % i).zero?
    puts "Not coprime"

It will be. ʻEachreturnsself, so if the iteration ends without break, 2 .. [a, b], that is, the true value is returned, and if break, nil`, that is, A false value is returned.

So, if you connect with ʻand`, it seems to work.


a = 4
b = 9
(2..[a, b].min).each do |i|
  puts "Testing: #{i}"
  if (a % i).zero? && (b % i).zero?
    puts "Not coprime"
end and puts "Coprime"

For the time being, it went well. But it's not beautiful.

To use &&, you need to use puts ("Coprime") or (puts" Coprime ") to strengthen the connection between puts and"Coprime".


I also thought about how to get Ruby Poku puts out.

Part 1

a = 4
b = 9
puts (2..[a, b].min).each_with_object("Coprime") { |i|
  puts "Testing: #{i}"
  if (a % i).zero? && (b % i).zero?
    break "Not coprime"

Part 2

a = 4
b = 9
puts "Coprime".tap {
  (2..[a, b].min).each do |i|
    puts "Testing: #{i}"
    if (a % i).zero? && (b % i).zero?
      break "Not coprime"

All are difficult to understand.

As you can see in "Effective Python", it seems best to cut out to a method without doing something like for-else.

def coprime?(a, b)
  (2..[a, b].min).each do |i|
    return false if (a % i).zero? && (b % i).zero?

puts coprime?(4, 9) ? "Coprime" : "Not coprime"

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