I wanted to draw a Bezier curve using python, and I was able to draw it immediately. After that, I wanted to play with the Bezier curve interactively, but I couldn't find the code, so I'll post it including a memorandum for myself.
For the three-dimensional Bezier curve, I referred to the formula of this person.
matplotlib For the part to be displayed interactively, I referred to this person. Every time the control point is updated, the calculation is recalculated and the curve is displayed again.
On the left are control points and Bezier curves. The radius of curvature is displayed on the right. The x-axis of the graph on the right is t (0 <= t <= 1) and the y-axis is the radius of curvature.
from scipy import integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
class Coo():
def __init__(self,_x,_y):
self.x = _x
self.y = _y
class Bezier():
def __init__(self,_p0,_p1,_p2,_p3):
self.p = [0]*4
self.p[0] = _p0
self.p[1] = _p1
self.p[2] = _p2
self.p[3] = _p3
self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot(121)#111 1x1
self.ax.set_xlim(-1.0 , 11.0)
self.ax.set_ylim(-1.0 , 11.0)
self.dax = self.fig.add_subplot(122)#111 1x1
self.t = np.arange(0,1,0.01)
self.x = (self.t**3)*self.p[3].x + 3*(self.t**2)*(1-self.t)*self.p[2].x + 3*self.t*((1-self.t)**2)*self.p[1].x + ((1-self.t)**3)*self.p[0].x
self.y = (self.t**3)*self.p[3].y + 3*(self.t**2)*(1-self.t)*self.p[2].y + 3*self.t*((1-self.t)**2)*self.p[1].y + ((1-self.t)**3)*self.p[0].y
self.dx = 3*((self.t**2)*(self.p[3].x-self.p[2].x)+2*self.t*(1-self.t)*(self.p[2].x-self.p[1].x)+((1-self.t)**2)*(self.p[1].x-self.p[0].x))
self.dy = 3*((self.t**2)*(self.p[3].y-self.p[2].y)+2*self.t*(1-self.t)*(self.p[2].y-self.p[1].y)+((1-self.t)**2)*(self.p[1].y-self.p[0].y))
self.ddx = 6*(self.t*(self.p[3].x-2*self.p[2].x+self.p[1].x)+(1-self.t)*(self.p[2].x-2*self.p[1].x+self.p[0].x))
self.ddy = 6*(self.t*(self.p[3].y-2*self.p[2].y+self.p[1].y)+(1-self.t)*(self.p[2].y-2*self.p[1].y+self.p[0].y))
self.artists = [0]*4
self.artists[0], = self.ax.plot([self.p[0].x],[self.p[0].y],marker='.',markersize=10,picker=15,label='p[0]')
self.artists[1], = self.ax.plot([self.p[1].x],[self.p[1].y],marker='.',markersize=10,picker=15,label='p[1]')
self.artists[2], = self.ax.plot([self.p[2].x],[self.p[2].y],marker='.',markersize=10,picker=15,label='p[2]')
self.artists[3], = self.ax.plot([self.p[3].x],[self.p[3].y],marker='.',markersize=10,picker=15,label='p[3]')
self.ax_artist, = self.ax.plot(self.x,self.y)
dp = [((x_a-x_b)**2 + (y_a-y_b)**2)*100 for x_a,x_b,y_a,y_b in zip(self.x[:-1],self.x[1:],self.y[:-1],self.y[1:])]
adp = [(i**2 + j**2)**0.5 for i,j in zip(self.dx,self.dy)]
addp = [(i**2 + j**2)**0.5 for i,j in zip(self.ddx,self.ddy)]
R = ((self.dx**2 + self.dy**2)**1.5)/((self.dx*self.ddy - self.ddx*self.dy)**2)**0.5
self.dax.set_xlim(-0.1 , 1.5)
self.dax.set_ylim(-1.0 , 40)
integrate_simps = integrate.simps(self.y, self.x)
self.dax_artist, = self.dax.plot(self.t,R)
dp_max_index = [i for i, x in enumerate(dp) if x == max(dp)]
adp_max_index = [i for i, x in enumerate(adp) if x == max(adp)]
def change(self):
self.x = (self.t**3)*self.p[3].x + 3*(self.t**2)*(1-self.t)*self.p[2].x + 3*self.t*((1-self.t)**2)*self.p[1].x + ((1-self.t)**3)*self.p[0].x
self.y = (self.t**3)*self.p[3].y + 3*(self.t**2)*(1-self.t)*self.p[2].y + 3*self.t*((1-self.t)**2)*self.p[1].y + ((1-self.t)**3)*self.p[0].y
self.dx = 3*((self.t**2)*(self.p[3].x-self.p[2].x)+2*self.t*(1-self.t)*(self.p[2].x-self.p[1].x)+((1-self.t)**2)*(self.p[1].x-self.p[0].x))
self.dy = 3*((self.t**2)*(self.p[3].y-self.p[2].y)+2*self.t*(1-self.t)*(self.p[2].y-self.p[1].y)+((1-self.t)**2)*(self.p[1].y-self.p[0].y))
self.ddx = 6*(self.t*(self.p[3].x-2*self.p[2].x+self.p[1].x)+(1-self.t)*(self.p[2].x-2*self.p[1].x+self.p[0].x))
self.ddy = 6*(self.t*(self.p[3].y-2*self.p[2].y+self.p[1].y)+(1-self.t)*(self.p[2].y-2*self.p[1].y+self.p[0].y))
dp = [((x_a-x_b)**2 + (y_a-y_b)**2)*100 for x_a,x_b,y_a,y_b in zip(self.x[:-1],self.x[1:],self.y[:-1],self.y[1:])]
adp = [(i**2 + j**2)**0.5 for i,j in zip(self.dx,self.dy)]
addp = [(i**2 + j**2)**0.5 for i,j in zip(self.ddx,self.ddy)]
R = ((self.dx**2 + self.dy**2)**1.5)/((self.dx*self.ddy - self.ddx*self.dy)**2)**0.5
def sets(self,_gco,_event):
for i,j in zip(self.artists,self.p):
if i == _gco:
j.x = _event.xdata
j.y = _event.ydata
gco = None
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Coo(1,1)
b = Coo(10,1)
c = Coo(1,5)
d = Coo(10,5)
B = Bezier(a,b,c,d)
def motion(event):
global gco
if gco is None:
def onpick(event):
global gco
gco = event.artist
def release(event):
global gco
gco = None
plt.connect('motion_notify_event', motion)
plt.connect('pick_event', onpick)
plt.connect('button_release_event', release)
I'm using only major libraries, so I think it will work soon.
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