――What is important in deeolearning?
-"It's data!" (Old !!)
――Therefore, I thought about using the super A & G radio data as data by pulling it out.
There are various copyrights, so use is at your own risk.
――It can be used for conversion of various data, so make it public and show
--About ffmpeg commands --In this program, flv file is converted to wav file and converted to 16000HZ at the same time. --A brief summary of ffmpeg is as follows
#First of all, extension conversion
$ffmpeg input.hoge output.hoge #hoge is an extension
#Sampling rate conversion
$ffmpeg input.hoge -ar 16000 output.hoge #-ar newsamplingrate
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import glob
import os
import subprocess
#Directory specification
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("python3 aandg.py [inputfile_dir] [outputfile_dir]")
inputpath=path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
#This time in the entered directory.List only flv
#Create if there is no output directory
if not os.path.exists(sys.argv[2]):
print("make dir",sys.argv[2])
output_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2])
for item in file_list:
#Get the file name without conversion extension with subprocess
basename_without_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item))[0]
#This time flv 16,Convert to 000HZ wav
cmd = "ffmpeg -i "+item+" -ar 16000 "+output_path+"/"+basename_without_ext+".wav"
runcmd = subprocess.call(cmd.split())
--Sample code will be posted on github. The rest is nice
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