Java programmer tried to touch Go language (for the time being)


My name is keita69sawada.

Since it seems that I will make a command line tool, I investigated the development language from the following viewpoints.

Go language (golang) looks good! !!

Then, "Would you like to try something in Go language for the time being!" This article was uni-uni.

Target audience



1. Prepare the development environment

1-1. Install chocolately (Windows package manager)

See here

1-2. Install GO language and editor (Visual Studio Code)

Copy and paste the following on the command line to install it.


choco install -y golang
choco install -y VisualStudioCode

2. Let's create Hello World in Go language

2-1. Creating a project (working directory)

Copy and paste to the command line.


mkdir c:\tmp\project\bin
mkdir c:\tmp\project\src\main
mkdir c:\tmp\project\pkg

The Go language project (directory) structure is as follows.



2-2. Setting the environment variable GOPATH

Set the starting path GOPATH.

set GOPATH=C:\tmp\project

2-3. Implementation (copy and paste)

In the editor (Visual Studio Code), go to % GOPATH% \ src \ main \ hello.go Copy the sauce.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

2-4. Compile and create an .exe file


go build -o %GOPATH%\bin\hello.exe %GOPATH%\src\main\hello.go

The exe file is created.


│      hello.exe
│  └─windows_amd64
│          hello.a

2-5. Try running hello.exe



I think it will move quickly. 8f07d95d-8145-4a11-9800-9587330b79fe.gif


This time, it's "touch it for the time being", so it ends with the experience of "The .exe file was created after building! Oh, it worked!". Next, I plan to find time to try out the functions of external command calls and API calls.

Reference URL

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