[Hi Py (Part 1)] I want to make something for the time being, so first set a goal.

【about me】

Experienced support, writing, marketing, direction (I was ignorantly researching because there is no one in the company) in the past, Recently, I've been doing the work of editing only the supernatant of html / css / js / php / mysql, giving excel neatly together, and using gas to improve work efficiency.

__ Don't say "What is it a job?" __

And since it's the bottom, I sometimes customize wordpress as a side job.   In addition __ ・ Things that interest you change quickly ・ Without continuity ・ Because my concentration and attention are distracted ・ The more super it is, the worse the procedure and memory are. ・ Insanely lazy __

It's a memorable first post with the will and determination of ** "People can do it."     Half a year ago, I went through Progate's Python course and came to the level of forgetting everything without feeling like I could make something. I decided to study Python when I bought the iPad that I bought for drawing (on a whim).

However, I want to make music, draw, play games, and study politics, so I declare in advance that the update frequency will be low.

With progate, I just understood the syntax softly, so this time it will be fun to actually move the data. I want to study on my own with the theme of __.

First, clarify what you want to do. I thought, so I will write down what I want to do personally so that I can understand what I want to do.

[Idea of what you want to make]

(1) Economic status grasping application by region

Using Resas' API and Line notify, it displays personally interesting information such as the economic cycle of the municipality you want to know, the foreigner rate, the ratio of job offers to applicants, and the wages per person. It feels like a line notify will notify you.

(I'm talking about political topics that I can't usually do on LINE openchat, so I'm thinking of sending it to LINE, but it's not essential, so I may omit it.)

Create an app that gets the Web API with Pythonista3 http://tarao-mendo.blogspot.com/2018/03/pythonista3-web-api.html

[Pythonista] Send a message to Line with LineNotify https://tk-thunder.hateblo.jp/entry/2017/11/28/192929

resus API specification https://opendata.resas-portal.go.jp/docs/api/v1/index.html

② Recommended optimization app on Spotify

It seems that they are listening to music from 55 countries, and the genres are different, so Spotify's __recommended song selection function is not useful at all, and the fluidity of information is also the worst. __ I'm in contact with spotify while feeling that my brain is stagnant every day, so I want to improve it.

So, let's create an app that can collect recommendations according to the mood of the day by linking each account with bandcamp API, Soundcloud API, Youtube API, Spotify API, etc. That's why.

Specifically, after logging in to each streaming service, search for the artist name or song name you put in your favorites in spotify, and based on the information of the song that came out and the mood of the day, new I wonder if you can find a recommendation on spotify.

However, although I tried to do the same with php before, In the first place, I gave up because I couldn't hand over the token well, so I'm a little suspicious this time, but at least I want to keep going.

How to add Pythonista library. (Required for importing Spotipy) https://piruty2.hatenablog.jp/entry/%3Fp%3D458 spotify API https://qiita.com/EkatoPgm/items/289b2efcdb5af49843c1

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