Convert HEIC files to PNG files with Python

Photos taken with iPhone Live Photo are saved as HEIC files. Compared to JPEG and PNG, this file has less software and is difficult to handle. Therefore, make a note of how to convert the HEIC file to a PNG file.

You can run it from your browser using Google Colaboratory.


Source code

Place in the same hierarchy as the file you want to convert and execute it.

from PIL import Image
import pyheif

def conv(image_path):
    new_name = image_path.replace('heic', 'png')
    heif_file =
    data = Image.frombytes(
        ), "PNG")

import glob
lst = glob.glob("*.heic")
for l in lst:

Usage package

Install with the pip command.

pip install pyheif Pillow

Execution result

$ python
$ ls
IMG_3488.heic*  IMG_3494.heic*  IMG_3497.heic*  IMG_3499.heic*  IMG_3503.heic*  IMG_3510.heic*  IMG_3514.heic*********   env/

Reference URL

Convert HEIC file in specified directory to JPEG with Python --Qiita

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