Convert 202003 to 2020-03 with pandas

It is a memo of the processing of the system that you do not use often but you have to google when you want to change the character string 202003 to 2020-03 of date.

From the conclusion

Suppose you have the following character string data called df, and you want to change it to the datetime module of the year and month.

Year / month
df["Year / month"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Year / month"], format='%Y%m').dt.to_period('M')

Now you can put - and it will be a date object. format ='% Y% m' reads the string as a date module, and laterdt.to_period ('M')specifies only the year and month.

Year / month

When not using dt.to_period ('M')

With the same data, try removing the last dt.to_period ('M').

Year / month
df["Year / month"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Year / month"], format='%Y%m')

One day will be added.

Year / month

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