How to convert horizontally held data to vertically held data with pandas

First, prepare the data frame below.

Preparation of DataFrame

import pandas as pd
values = [['1', 'John', 'somekey1-1', 'somevalue1-1', 'time1-1', 'somekey2-1', 'somevalue2-1', 'time2-1'],
          ['2', 'Tom', 'somekey1-2', 'somevalue1-2', 'time1-2', 'somekey2-2', 'somevalue2-2', 'time2-2'],]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['id', 'name', 'key1', 'value1', 'time1', 'key2', 'value2', 'time2'])

The following data is created with the above code.

id name key1 value1 time1 key2 value2 time2
0 1 John somekey1-1 somevalue1-1 time1-1 somekey2-1 somevalue2-1 time2-1
1 2 Tom somekey1-2 somevalue1-2 time1-2 somekey2-2 somevalue2-2 time2-2

I will introduce four codes that convert this information to vertically held data as shown below.

id name key value time
0 1 John somekey1-1 somevalue1-1 time1-1
1 2 Tom somekey1-2 somevalue1-2 time1-2
2 1 John somekey2-1 somevalue2-1 time2-1
3 2 Tom somekey2-2 somevalue2-2 time2-2

How to implement with melt method

It seems common to use the melt method, and there was a lot of this information. There are several ways to create an array of columns, so I'll include that as well.

Create an array of column names

#Pattern ①
columns = df.columns.tolist()
[value for value in columns if value.startswith('key')]

#Pattern ②

# ['key1', 'key2']

Pattern ①, which creates and moves an array of columns once, seems to move lighter, so I'm using that below.

Convert to vertical data using melt

columns = df.columns.tolist()

    [pd.melt(df, id_vars=['id', 'name'], value_vars=[value for value in columns if value.startswith('key')], value_name='key'),
     pd.melt(df, value_vars=[value for value in columns if value.startswith('value')], value_name='value'),
     pd.melt(df, value_vars=[value for value in columns if value.startswith('time')], value_name='time')
     ).drop('variable', axis=1)

How to implement with wide_to_long method

wide_to_long is pretty simple because you can create it in one line. I didn't understand at first when I looked at the following site,

In the array specified by the second argument `convert columns starting with a specific character to vertical holding`` Because it moves like this, it is possible to complete it in one line.

The remaining part of the column is specified by j If it is key1, create it with 1, and if it is key2, create it with 2 with the specified column name. In the code below, a column called'drop'is created, so after that, it is deleted by the drop method.

wide_to_Convert to vertical data using long

pd.wide_to_long(df, ['key','value','time'], i='id', j='drop').reset_index().drop('drop', axis=1)

If you get an error with wide_to_long

What to do if the following error occurs The following error is an error that occurs when there are duplicate id items.


ValueError: the id variables need to uniquely identify each row

For example, if you change the first data frame a little and set both ids to 1, you will get an error.

DataFrame with an error

import pandas as pd
values = [['1', 'John', 'somekey1-1', 'somevalue1-1', 'time1-1', 'somekey2-1', 'somevalue2-1', 'time2-1'],
          ['1', 'Tom', 'somekey1-2', 'somevalue1-2', 'time1-2', 'somekey2-2', 'somevalue2-2', 'time2-2'],]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=['id', 'name', 'key1', 'value1', 'time1', 'key2', 'value2', 'time2'])

pd.wide_to_long(df,['key','value','time'], i='id', j='drop').reset_index().drop('drop', axis=1)

In that case, you can solve it by creating an index item with reset_index () and specifying it in id.

wide_to_Convert to vertical data using long(Error avoidance method)

pd.wide_to_long(df.reset_index(), ['key','value','time'], i='index', j='drop').reset_index().drop('drop', axis=1).drop('index', axis=1)

How to do with lreshape method

lreshape seems to be a minor method that can be fixed to reshape even if you search on google. Personally, I like it because it's simple, but the site below says that it will disappear in the future, so it seems that it will not be usable soon. Sorry.

Convert to vertical data using lreshape

d = {'key': df.columns[df.columns.str.startswith('key')].tolist(),
     'value': df.columns[df.columns.str.startswith('value')].tolist(),
     'time': df.columns[df.columns.str.startswith('time')].tolist(),}

pd.lreshape(df, d)

Also, although it should be written that it is used in practice, for some reason the following It seems better not to use it too much as it may cause an error.


/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/core/reshape/ in <dictcomp>(.0)
    188             mask &= notna(mdata[c])
    189         if not mask.all():
--> 190             mdata = {k: v[mask] for k, v in mdata.items()}
    192     return data._constructor(mdata, columns=id_cols + pivot_cols)

IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 1210 but corresponding boolean dimension is 24200

How to do your best with concat

Probably not quite good. When I didn't know the above method at first, I did it.

When using the concat method if the column names are the same It is a method to use it because it joins vertically.

Implementation with concat

    df[['id', 'name', 'key1', 'value1', 'time1']].rename(columns={'key1': 'key', 'value1': 'value', 'time1': 'time'}),
    df[['id', 'name', 'key2', 'value2', 'time2']].rename(columns={'key2': 'key', 'value2': 'value', 'time2': 'time'}),

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