Convert mp4 to mp3 with ffmpeg (thumbnail embedded version)

Added the following functions to Convert mp4 to mp3 with ffmpeg.

I used ffmpeg to cut out thumbnails (artwork).

Eyed3 was used to embed thumbnails (artwork). eyed3 is a tool that can edit mp3 tag information. This time I used it from within the python script. There is also a CLI. python2.7 is required because it does not support python3.

Operating environment


# ffmpeg
brew install ffmpeg --with-tools

# eyed3
pip install eyed3==0.7.8

Conversion script

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# system requirement
    * python 2.7

# install
    $ brew install ffmpeg --with-tools
    $ pip install eyed3==0.7.8

import argparse
import eyed3
from eyed3.id3.frames import ImageFrame
from os import getcwd, path, system, remove
import sys

    u' -y'
    u' -loglevel warning'
    u' -i "{src_file}"'
    u' -acodec libmp3lame'
    u' -ab 256k'
    u' "{dest_file}"'
    u' -y'
    u' -loglevel warning'
    u' -i "{src_file}"'
    u' -ss 5'
    u' -vframes 1'
    u' -f image2'
    u' "{dest_file}"'

def rename_filename_ext(src_file, rename_ext, dest_directory):
    name, ext = path.splitext(path.basename(src_file))
    return (name, path.join(dest_directory, name + rename_ext))

def main(src_files, dest_directory):
    for src_file in src_files:
        src_file = path.abspath(src_file).decode('utf-8')
        dest = path.abspath(dest_directory).decode('utf-8')

        title, dest_mp3_file = rename_filename_ext(src_file, u'.mp3', dest)
        title, dest_png_file = rename_filename_ext(src_file, u'.png', dest)

        # mp4 -> mp3 encode
        ffmpeg_cmd = FFMPEG_MP42MP3_CMD.format(
        print(u'{0} -> {1}'.format(src_file, dest_mp3_file))

        #Cut out thumbnail image from mp4
        ffmpeg_cmd = FFMPEG_THUMBNAIL_CMD.format(

        #Embed thumbnail images in mp3 files
        f = eyed3.load(dest_mp3_file)
        if f.tag is None:
        f.tag.title = title
        with open(dest_png_file, 'rb') as dest_png:

        if path.exists(dest_png_file):

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description=u'Convert mp4 to mp3 with ffmpeg(Thumbnail embedded version)'
        help='source files'
        help='destination directory (default: current directory)'
    return parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parse_args()
    main(args.source_files, args.dest)
chmod +x

How to use

Encode "* .mp4" under the "./mp4/in/" directory to mp3 and output to the "./mp4/out/" directory. ./mp4/in/*.mp4 --dest ./mp4/out/

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