Convert a text file with hexadecimal values to a binary file


--Hexary text file-> Convert to binary file



↓ Binary file test.bin test.bin.png

For python3.2 or later in this example, use int.to_bytes


with open("test.txt") as fin,  open("test.bin", "wb") as fout:
    s =

It's easy to do.

The following is the code when it corresponds even if there are spaces or line breaks.



import re
with open('test.txt', 'r') as fin:
  s =
  s = re.sub(r'[\r\n\t ]|0x', '', s)
  bins = [int(a+b,16) for a, b in zip(s[::2], s[1::2])]
  with open('test.bin', 'wb') as fout:

s = re.sub(r'[\r\n\t ]|0x', '', s) Line breaks / tabs / half-width spaces and 0x are deleted (replaced).

bins = [int(a+b,16) for a, b in zip(s[::2], s[1::2])] The pairs of a and b are taken out to form a hexadecimal number and put in the list.

If you show for a, b in zip (s [:: 2], s [1:: 2]) in a little more detail, it works as follows.

In [59]: s = "1234567890abcdef"
    ...: for a, b in zip(s[::2], s[1::2]):
    ...:     print(f"a={a}, b={b}")
a=1, b=2
a=3, b=4
a=5, b=6
a=7, b=8
a=9, b=0
a=a, b=b
a=c, b=d
a=e, b=f

Conversion example 1

As described in the outline

Conversion example 2


0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78 0x90


Conversion example 3




Another method

Search Stack Overflow by referring to @ shiracamu's method in python2. To sum up the answers, it seems that python3 can be written as follows using codecs.

import codecs
with open('test.txt', 'r') as fin, open('test.bin', 'wb') as fout:
  s = re.sub(r'[\r\n\t ]|0x', '',


-[Handling hexadecimal numbers in Python-Introduction to Python] 1 -[[Python] Divide the character string into two characters and store it in the list --Bagbag World] 2 --[Create a binary file in Python --Qiita] 3

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