[Python] Convert Shift_JIS to UTF-8


Python 3.7.5

Source code


import codecs
import sys

args = sys.argv

def main():
    shiftjis_path = args[1]
    utf8_path = args[2]

    #Character code utf-Convert to 8 and save
    fin = codecs.open(shiftjis_path, "r", "shift_jis")
    fout_utf = codecs.open(utf8_path, "w", "utf-8")
    for row in fin:

if __name__ == '__main__':

I read the Shift_JIS file, create a new file with UTF-8, and write it.

How to use

Specify both the conversion source file Path and the output destination file Path as relative paths!

$ python Conversion.py <Path of conversion source file> <Path of output file>


It took about several minutes to convert the character code, so I created it to save time. I intended to post every day, but it's been a while since my last post. .. .. I'm going to start shaved again for 3 days from today! !! !!

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