Convert STL to Voxel mesh using Python VTK


Create a Voxel mesh from STL CAD data using the Signed Distance Function (SDF). The library used is Python's VTK. In addition, the code was entirely based on the following article.


Windows 10 home

Anaconda(Python 3.7.6)

VTK 8.2

Paraview 5.4.1 (used to display STL and voxel mesh)

CAD data (STL data)

Stanford Dragon.


Source code

import vtk

filename = "./dragon.stl"
#Read stl file
reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader()

#Extract Poly data
poly_data = reader.GetOutput()

#Determine the mesh size
cell_dims = [50, 50, 50]#x, y, z

#Create a mesh grid
#x_min:0 x_max:1, y_min:2,y_max:3,z_min:4,z_max:5
bounds = poly_data.GetBounds()
mesh_pitch = [(bounds[1] - bounds[0])/cell_dims[0],
              (bounds[3] - bounds[2])/cell_dims[1],
              (bounds[5] - bounds[4])/cell_dims[2]]
mins = [bounds[0], bounds[2], bounds[4]]

points = vtk.vtkPoints()
for ix in range(cell_dims[0]+1):
    for iy in range(cell_dims[1]+1):
        for iz in range(cell_dims[2]+1):
            x = ix * mesh_pitch[0] + mins[0]
            y = iy * mesh_pitch[1] + mins[1]
            z = iz * mesh_pitch[2] + mins[2]
structured_base_mesh = vtk.vtkStructuredGrid()
structured_base_mesh.SetExtent(0, cell_dims[0], 0, cell_dims[1], 0, cell_dims[2])

#Convert structured grid data to unstructured grid data
append = vtk.vtkAppendFilter()
base_mesh = append.GetOutput()

#Find the coordinates of the center of Voxel
cell_centers = vtk.vtkCellCenters()

#Create a Voxel mesh from STL
center_points = cell_centers.GetOutput().GetPoints()
cell_list = vtk.vtkIdList()
sdf = vtk.vtkImplicitPolyDataDistance()
distance_sdf = vtk.vtkDoubleArray()
for idx in range(center_points.GetNumberOfPoints()):
    current_center = center_points.GetPoint(idx)
    distance = sdf.FunctionValue(current_center)
    if distance <= 0:

base_mesh.GetCellData().SetScalars(distance_sdf)#Add SDF value

extract_cells = vtk.vtkExtractCells()

#Output Voxel data as VTK file
writer = vtk.vtkXMLDataSetWriter()

#Output the grid data with the SDF value input as a VTK file
#writer = vtk.vtkXMLDataSetWriter()


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