Convert json format data to txt (using yolo)

I want to convert json format data to txt format data to use yolo.

What i did

The code to convert json to txt was on the net, but I didn't know how to use it, so I decided to create it myself. (I may have seen it because I cut and pasted a part of various codes)

Code below

import json
import glob

data_path = glob.glob("train_json/*.json")
img_data_path = glob.glob("train_img/*.jpg ")
cate_list = ["Car","Pedestrian","Truck","Signal","Signs","Bicycle","Motorbike","Bus","Svehicle","Train"]
box_list  = ["x1","x2","y1","y2"]
input_shape = [640,640]
img_output = "train_img_data"

with open("voc_classes.txt","w") as f:

list_file = open("2007_train.txt","w")

def class_encord(class_name):
    cate_id = {"Car":0,"Pedestrian":1,"Truck":2,"Signal":3,"Signs":4,"Bicycle":5,"Motorbike":6,"Bus":7,"SVehicle":8,"Train":9}
    return cate_id[class_name]

def img_box_resize(img_path,input_shape,label_box):
    img =
    iw , ih = img.size
    w, h = input_shape
    scale = min(w/iw,h/ih)
    nw = int(scale*iw)
    nh = int(scale*ih)
    dx = (w-nw)//2
    dy = (h-nh)//2
    img_data = 0 
    image = img.resize((nw,nh),Image.BICUBIC)
    new_image ="RGB", (w,h), (128,128,128))
    new_image.paste(image, (dx, dy))    
    bax_lx = label_box[0]
    box_ly = label_box[1]
    box_rx = label_box[2]
    box_ry = label_box[3]
    new_box_lx = int(box_lx*scale) + int(dx)
    new_box_ly = int(box_ly*scale) + int(dy)
    new_box_rx = int(box_rx*scale) - int(dx)
    new_box_ry = int(box_ry*scale) - int(dy)
    box_list = []
    return new_image , box_list

def convert(data_file,list_file,input_img_path,output_img_path):
    with open(data_file) as j_f:
        load_json = json.load(j_f)
        datas = load_json["labels"]  
        for data in datas:
            box = data["box2d"]
            json_box = []  
            new_img , box_list = img_box_resize(img_path,input_shape,box)
            for i in range(4):
            category = data["category"]
            category_num = class_encord(category)
            list_file.write(" "+",".join([str(a) for a in json_box])+","+str(category_num))

for data_file in data_path:
    for img_path in img_data_path:
        data = data_file


Please change according to the environment where the above variables are used. It will be converted according to the size of input_shape.

Should work: sweat_smile: (I worked with this)

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