Convert translation resource files (.po) to XLIFF format (.xlf)


Mac OS X 10.8


  1. Install python, virtualenv

Install Python 2.7

$ brew install python

Installation of virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper

$ pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Add the following to .zshrc or .bashrc to pass the path to virtualenvwrapper

source /usr/local/bin/

  1. Download the Translate Toolkit When downloading a file

$ wget $ tar xzvf translate-toolkit-1.11.0.tar.bz2 $ cd translate-1.11.0

For git

$ git clone $ cd translate

  1. Set up a virtual environment and pip install the package

$ mkvirtualenv translate --python /usr/local/bin/python $ workon translate $ pip install -r requirements/recommended.txt $ easy_install lxml $ ./ install

  1. Convert files with po2liff

$ po2xliff --version po2xliff 1.11.0 $ po2xliff en_US.po en_US.xlf processing 1 files... [###########################################] 100%

Now you can convert the file.

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