How to convert Json file to CSV format or EXCEL format

JSON format files are hard to see. I want to convert to CSV or EXCEL. Share how to solve your worries.

In this article, I will introduce the conversion method of Json file using Python using Python and the conversion tool that can be done based on the WEB.

Method 1: Convert using Python

It's very easy to use.

1. Place the Json file you want to convert and the Python file in the same file hierarchy.

2. Please change 3 places in the program below.

--Change the "Json file name you want to convert" in the program to the Json file name you put in 1. --Please put the word written at the beginning of the Json file in "The word written at the beginning when you open the Json file". If the Json file starts like {" results ": [{" acl ": {" * ": {" read ": true, ..., please enter "results" in this case. --Change the "File name you want to output" in the program to the file name you want to output.

#Purpose: Convert Json files to CSV.

import json
import csv

#Load JSON file
json_dict = json.load(open('Json file name you want to convert.json', 'r', encoding="utf_8_sig"))
#Extraction of list of dict
target_dicts = json_dict['The first word written when you open the Json file']

with open('File name you want to output.csv', 'w', encoding="utf_8_sig") as f:
    #Dialect registration
    csv.register_dialect('dialect01', doublequote=True, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
    #DictWriter creation
    writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=target_dicts[0].keys(), dialect='dialect01')
    #Write to CSV
    for target_dict in target_dicts:

Method 2: Convert using a web service.

If it's okay to send the file to the server, I think it's easier to use this method.


WEB service that can convert Json files to CSV online

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