Preprocessing with Python. Convert Nico Nico Douga tag search results to CSV format


Convert the tag search result (XML) of Nico Nico Douga to CSV format. In addition, the tag information for each work is made into one tag and one column, and added to each line. Specifically, the format is as follows.

video_id, user_id, ..., tag 1, tag 2, ... sm00000001,111111111,...,1,1,... sm00000002,222222222,...,0,0,... sm00000003,333333333,...,0,1,...


-> Get the tag search results of Nico Nico Douga in XML format. (No login required)


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2014 nezuq
# This software is released under the MIT License.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
import codecs
from lxml import etree
import copy

argvs = sys.argv
argc = len(argvs)

#Input file
if 1 < argc:
	FILE_INPUT = argvs[1].decode('UTF-8')

#Threshold (Do not output columns with tags whose number of occurrences is outside the specified range)
if 2 < argc:
	MIN_COUNT = int(argvs[2])
MAX_COUNT = 9999
if 3 < argc:
	MAX_COUNT = int(argvs[3])

#Original data output flag
if 4 < argc:
	DISP_SRCCOL = int(argvs[4])

#Column name
COLUMNS_NAME = ['video_id','user_id','deleted','title','description','length_in_seconds','length','size_high','size_low',

def main():
	rows = []
	tags = {}
	tags_default_col = []
	tree = etree.parse(FILE_INPUT)
	for vi in tree.findall('./video_info'):
		row = []
		row.append(vi.find('video/id').text) #video_id
		row.append(vi.find('video/user_id').text) #user_id
		row.append(vi.find('video/deleted').text) #deleted
		row.append(vi.find('video/title').text) #title
		row.append(vi.find('video/description').text) #description
		row.append(vi.find('video/length_in_seconds').text) #length_in_seconds
		row.append('') #length
		row.append('') #size_high
		row.append(vi.find('video/size_low').text) #size_low
		row.append(vi.find('video/movie_type').text) #movie_type
		row.append(vi.find('video/thumbnail_url').text) #thumbnail_url
		row.append(vi.find('video/upload_time').text) #upload_time
		row.append(vi.find('video/first_retrieve').text) #first_retrieve
		row.append(vi.find('video/default_thread').text) #default_thread
		row.append(vi.find('video/view_counter').text) #view_counter
		row.append('') #comment_num
		row.append(vi.find('video/mylist_counter').text) #mylist_counter
		row.append('') #last_res_body
		row.append('') #watch_url
		row.append('') #thumb_type
		row.append('') #embeddable
		row.append('') #no_live_play
		row.append(vi.find('video/option_flag_ichiba').text) #option_flag_ichiba
		row.append(vi.find('video/option_flag_community').text) #option_flag_community
		row.append(vi.find('video/option_flag_domestic').text) #option_flag_domestic
		row.append(vi.find('video/option_flag_comment_type').text) #option_flag_comment_type
		row.append(vi.find('video/option_flag_adult').text) #option_flag_adult
		row.append(vi.find('video/option_flag_mobile').text) #option_flag_mobile
		row.append(vi.find('video/option_flag_economy_mp4').text) #option_flag_economy_mp4
		row.append(vi.find('video/option_flag_middle_video').text) #option_flag_middle_video
		row.append(vi.find('video/option_flag_mobile_ng_apple').text) #option_flag_mobile_ng_apple
		row.append(vi.find('video/main_category').text) #main_category
		row.append(vi.find('video/main_category_key').text) #main_category_key
		row.append(vi.find('thread/id').text) #thread_id
		row.append(vi.find('thread/public').text) #thread_public
		row.append(vi.find('thread/num_res').text) #thread_num_res
		row.append(vi.find('thread/community_id').text) #thread_community_id
		row.append(etree.tostring(vi.find('tags'))) #tags
		rows.append((map(lambda x:x.replace(',', ',') if x else '', row)))
		tagname_per_row = map(lambda x:x.text, vi.findall('tags/tag_info/tag'))
		tagname_all = list(set(tags.keys() + tagname_per_row))
		for tagname in tagname_all:
			if tagname not in tags.keys():
				tags[tagname] = copy.copy(tags_default_col)
			if tagname in tagname_per_row:
	tags_matched = []
	for key,val in tags.items():
		cnt = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, val)
		if MIN_COUNT <= cnt <= MAX_COUNT:
			tags_matched.append((key, val, cnt))
	sorted_tags = sorted(tags_matched, key = (lambda x:x[2]), reverse = True)
	print ','.join((COLUMNS_NAME if DISP_SRCCOL == 1 else []) + map(lambda x:unicode(x[0]), sorted_tags))
	for i, row in enumerate(rows):
		print ','.join((row if DISP_SRCCOL == 1 else []) + map(lambda x:unicode(x[1][i]), sorted_tags))

if __name__ == '__main__':
	sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf_8')(sys.stdout)

ncxml2csv.Run py

python INPUT.xml 3 9999 1 > OUTPUT.csv

Reference page

-> Comparison of API and getthumbinfo API

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