I hate the application called Excel.
You can read 10,000 lines of csv into Excel, filter it, drag a function to copy it, and all the troublesome things are done. There are times when it takes a long time to load, and it doesn't work on a mac, so on the day when it freezes, I'm not motivated and will leave early.
You're going crazy! !! !!
If you are an engineer, you want to finish everything from data processing / extraction from csv import to ftp server upload from export with just a command! Excel is an evil way of evil! Reliable database! !! !!
The point is, if you have a script that creates a create table statement from csv and batches up to load data, Excel is goodbye without even saying good by. Such a python script is today's theme.
Since python has a pip that guesses the type from csv called csv_to_table and creates a create table statement with the header part of the first line as the column name, we created a script that adds the function to create up to the load data statement this time. I did.
I wrote how to use it on github, so please execute it as it is w
git clone https://github.com/ShusukeOtani/table_stmt_generator_from_csv
Install pip and pyenv and run it with python2.7.1.
Dependent pip installation
pip install -r requirements.txt
Prepare -d, -t, and -p as optional arguments. -d is an option to determine the type of database. -d m is mysql, -d p is postgre. The default value is mysql. -t is a bool whether to make it a Temp table. If you cut it, make it a permament table.
You can specify the primary key with -p. If -p id, the column id will be PK.
I will write an example. First of all, there is no primary key, permament table, option is not required for mysql, so simply specify the file path of csv.
python execute.py ./example/test.csv
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_stmt_generator_from; CREATE TABLE table_stmt_generator_from (
id smallint,
pref text
);LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/Users/200302/table_stmt_generator_from_csv/example/test.csv' INTO TABLE table_stmt_generator_from FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' IGNORE 1 LINES;
If you want to use id column for postgre, temp table and pk, add the following option.
`python execute.py -d p -t -p id ./example/test.csv
id smallint,
pref text
, PRIMARY KEY(id));COPY test FROM '/Users/200302/table_stmt_generator_from_csv/example/test.csv' CSV HEADER;
One of the jobs of advertising is to create a feed. We create an optimized case list feed for vendors such as Criteo and Indeed. You can't join when you go to see multiple DBs. I wrote this script to solve this problem. In actual operation, this script is used to make an application that performs the following series.
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