Python script to convert latitude / longitude to mesh code

A Python script that converts latitude and longitude in decimal notation to mesh code. (Sometimes I try to contribute to the community ...)

def Coordinate2MeshCode( dLat, dLng ):
    # cf:
    # Make sure the input values are decimal 
    iMeshCode_1stMesh_Part_p = dLat *60 // 40;
    iMeshCode_1stMesh_Part_u = ( dLng - 100 ) // 1;
    iMeshCode_2ndMesh_Part_q = dLat *60 % 40 // 5;
    iMeshCode_2ndMesh_Part_v = ( ( dLng - 100 ) % 1 ) * 60 // 7.5;
    iMeshCode_3rdMesh_Part_r = dLat *60 % 40 % 5 * 60 // 30;
    iMeshCode_3rdMesh_Part_w = ( ( dLng - 100 ) % 1 ) * 60 % 7.5 * 60 // 45;
    iMeshCode = iMeshCode_1stMesh_Part_p * 1000000 + iMeshCode_1stMesh_Part_u * 10000 + iMeshCode_2ndMesh_Part_q * 1000 + iMeshCode_2ndMesh_Part_v * 100 + iMeshCode_3rdMesh_Part_r * 10 + iMeshCode_3rdMesh_Part_w;
    return iMeshCode;

It also served as an upload test from Kobito.

Change log

Jan7,2017: Fixed a fatal issue for the time being (Thanks to @shiracamus for pointing this out)

  1. Mistake in operation order
  2. Embarrassing English mistake I think it's better to learn how to write beautiful code as a programmer, rather than Python. .. .. Check the calculation result and then correct it.

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