Try converting latitude / longitude and world coordinates to each other with python

What I wanted to do

--I want to aggregate latitude and longitude information in units divided into meshes. ――Therefore, I wanted to place the latitude and longitude in the section xy with reduced resolution. -Google Maps API fromLatLngToPoint I wanted to do the same thing offline in Python

What i did

Based on the information in TRAIL NOTE's, I tried to make it a function that converts latitude / longitude and world coordinates with python.


I just copied the contents of ↑.

from math import pi
from math import tanh
from math import sin
from math import asin
from numpy import arctanh

# refer from

def tile2latlon(x, y, z):
    L = 85.05112878
    lon = ((x / 2.0**(z+7) )-1) * 180
    lat = 180/pi * (asin(tanh(-pi/2**(z+7)*y + arctanh(sin(pi/180*L)))))
    return [lat, lon]

def latlon2tile2(lat, lon, z):
    L = 85.05112878
    x = int((lon/180 + 1) * 2**(z+7))
    y = int( (2**(z+7) / pi * ( -arctanh(sin(pi*lat/180)) + arctanh(sin(pi*L/180)) ) ))
    return [x,y]


Enter a known latitude and longitude and check it on Map of Geographical Survey Institute.

lat = 35.666280
lon = 139.758375
# lat = 30.335927
# lon = 130.504283

pix = 256
# lat/lon to tile
for z in range(15,19):
    a,b = latlon2tile2(lat,lon,z)
    print [a,b]
    print '{0}/{1:d}/{2:d}.png'.format(z,a/pix,b/pix)
    a,b = tile2latlon(a,b,z)
    print [a,b]

When executed, it will be output like this, so it matches the original lat / long, and the accuracy increases as the zoom level increases. I confirmed the location on the actual map. (Map of Geographical Survey Institute is up to zoom level 18)

[7450910, 3303678]
[35.66629207402928, 139.75836753845215]
[14901820, 6607356]
[35.66629207402928, 139.75836753845215]
[29803640, 13214713]
[35.66628335763601, 139.75836753845215]
[59607281, 26429426]
[35.66628335763601, 139.75837290287018]

Items to be confirmed

--I don't really understand the geodetic system --There seems to be a library such as pyproj, so it may be better to use this. If you know how to use it, please let me know!

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