Give latitude and longitude point sequence data and try to identify the road from OpenStreetMap data

Hello. Imported OpenStreetMap data into mongodb (using goosm), so as an application, on the road Given the "latitude point sequence data" (blue below) that moved along, I considered the problem of identifying the road (green). Exported in geojson format.

However, the OpenStreetMap way data (highway) must be a simple edge with vertices at both ends.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
import simplejson
import textwrap
from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient('localhost')

def queryNear(coord, radius):
    return ({"geometry": {"$near": {"$maxDistance": radius, "$geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": coord}}}}, {"_id": 1, "geometry.coordinates": 1, "nodes": 1})

def printgeojson(type, coordinates):
    fmtstr = """\
    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {"type": %s, "coordinates": %s},
    "properties": {}
    fmtstr = textwrap.dedent(fmtstr)
    print(fmtstr % (type, coordinates), end='')
    return 0

def printNodes(tracks):
    nodes = []
    colnodes = client['osm_nodes']['data']
    prepend = ''
    for coord in tracks:
        results = colnodes.find(*queryNear(coord, radius))
        for r in results:
            if r['_id'] not in nodes:
                print(prepend, end='')
                printgeojson("Point", r['geometry']['coordinates'])
                prepend = ',\n'
    return nodes

def printEdges(tracks, nodes):
    edges = []
    coledges = client['osm_edges']['data']
    prepend = ''
    for coord in tracks:
        results = coledges.find(*queryNear(coord, radius))
        for r in results:
            if r['_id'] not in edges and set(r['nodes']).issubset(nodes):
                print(prepend, end='')
                printgeojson("LineString", r['geometry']['coordinates'])
                prepend = ',\n'
    return edges

def main():
    radius = 30.0
    tracks = [[lon0, lat0], [lon1, lat1], ...] # <==Give latitude and longitude point sequence data
    nodes = printNodes(tracks, radius)
    edges = printEdges(tracks, radius, nodes)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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