Find the distance from latitude and longitude (considering the roundness of the earth).

When calculating the distance from latitude and longitude, it is not difficult if the roundness of the earth is taken into consideration and the earth can be approximated to a true sphere.

from math import sin, cos, acos, radians
earth_rad = 6378.137

def latlng_to_xyz(lat, lng):
    rlat, rlng = radians(lat), radians(lng)
    coslat = cos(rlat)
    return coslat*cos(rlng), coslat*sin(rlng), sin(rlat)

def dist_on_sphere(pos0, pos1, radius=earth_rad):
    xyz0, xyz1 = latlng_to_xyz(*pos0), latlng_to_xyz(*pos1)
    return acos(sum(x * y for x, y in zip(xyz0, xyz1)))*radius

Osaka = 34.702113, 135.494807
Tokyo = 35.681541, 139.767103
London = 51.476853, 0.0

print(dist_on_sphere(Osaka, Tokyo)) # 403.63km
print(dist_on_sphere(London, Tokyo)) # 9571.22km

If you want to calculate more accurately, you need to approximate it with a spheroid, and there is room for improvement such as the error or large in the vicinity of 1 for the ʻacos` function, but for casual purposes, this is enough.

Anyway, it's not that complicated even if you consider the roundness. For reference when APIs and libraries cannot be used.

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