Convert Qiita articles to Jekyll post format for backup

Perhaps a meteorite will fall and the article posted on Qiita will disappear. As a countermeasure, I wrote a script that can back up articles even where I can manage everything myself. It also gets the image and rewrites the link.


How to use

  1. Obtain an access token from the Administration screen.
  2. python <access token>
  3. Articles and images are retrieved, converted and saved.

Example of conversion result/

layout: post
title: "Hosting images by exploiting issues on GitHub"
tags: Qiita
This article is a reprint of what was posted on Qiita.

I didn't know so I posted it.
[Dash]( is a game engine written in D, but I was wondering where the image file of the huge logo at the top of the readme is.
//Omitted below//



tags can be specified.


This article is a reprint of what was posted on Qiita. You can specify \ n --- .


Replace the URL of the image.


Storage location of converted articles


Image storage location

It's getting better, but sometimes it still doesn't work. ~~ Make someone ~~ I want to do something about it.

Postscript: I tried using it on my site.

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