Convert GFF3 to MSS for DDBJ submission

We have created a script to convert the GFF3 format, which is often used to describe genomic annotation information, into genomic data in DDBJ and the annotation method (MSS) required for registration.


Please use it in the form of. Be careful when using it as bug fixing is not perfect. Corresponds to the protein coding region. Please hand-craft the part (COMMON area) that describes registrant information.

Below is an example of the assumed GFF3 file It is good to process with

# coding: UTF-8

import sys
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio import Seq
from BCBio import GFF

args = sys.argv
in_file = args[1]
PreContig = ""
Contig_Count = 0

in_handle = open(in_file)
for rec in GFF.parse(in_handle):
    NowContig =
    position = rec.annotations["sequence-region"]
    NowPosition = position[Contig_Count]
    NowPosEnd = str(NowPosition[2])
    if PreContig != NowContig:
        print NowContig + "\t" + "source" + "\t" + str(1) + ".." + NowPosEnd + "\t" + "ff_definition" + "\t" + "@@[organism]@@ DNA, contig: " + NowContig
        print "\t" + "\t" + "\t" + "note" + "\t" + "contig: " +  NowContig
    PreContig =
    for gene_f in rec.features:
        for mRNA_f in gene_f.sub_features:
            COUNT = 0 #Set count to 0 when entering new mRNA
            POSITION="" #Initialize each output item
            out_JOINT = ""
            strand = mRNA_f.strand
            if strand == -1:
                out_STRAND = "complement("
                out_STRAND_CLOSE = ")"
            mRNA_ID = mRNA_f.qualifiers["ID"]
            locus_tag_ID = mRNA_f.qualifiers["Note"]
            product_name = mRNA_f.qualifiers.get("product", ["Unknown_product"])
            for CDS_f in mRNA_f.sub_features:
                COUNT += 1
                transl_table = CDS_f.qualifiers.get("transl_table", ["1"])
                if COUNT==1: #First CDS in the mRNA
                    CDS_START = CDS_f.location.start +1
                    CDS_END = CDS_f.location.end
                    POSITION = POSITION + str(CDS_START) + ".." + str(CDS_END)
                else: #The second and subsequent CDSs in the corresponding mRNA
                    CDS_START = CDS_f.location.start +1
                    CDS_END = CDS_f.location.end
                    POSITION = POSITION + ","+ str(CDS_START) + ".." + str(CDS_END)
                    out_JOINT = "join("
                    out_JOINT_CLOSE = ")"
            print "\tCDS\t"+ out_STRAND + out_JOINT + POSITION + out_JOINT_CLOSE + out_STRAND_CLOSE + "\tcodon_start\t1"
            print "\t\t\t" + "locus_tag\t" + locus_tag_ID[0]
            print "\t\t\t" + "note\t" + mRNA_ID[0]
            print "\t\t\t" + "product\t" + product_name[0]
            print "\t\t\t" + "transl_table\t" + transl_table[0]
    Contig_Count += 1
    if Contig_Count == len(position):


##sequence-region unitig_0 1 307079
unitig_0	.	gene	1137	4305	.	-	.	ID=LOCUS_TAG_0000100;Note=g35293
unitig_0	.	mRNA	1137	4305	.	-	.	ID=g35293.t1;Note=LOCUS_TAG_0000100;Parent=LOCUS_TAG_0000100;product=hypothetical protein
unitig_0	.	CDS	1137	1462	.	-	1	ID=g35293.t1_1;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000100;Note=g35293.t1;Parent=g35293.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.497
unitig_0	.	CDS	2201	2583	.	-	1	ID=g35293.t1_2;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000100;Note=g35293.t1;Parent=g35293.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.497
unitig_0	.	CDS	2900	3031	.	-	1	ID=g35293.t1_3;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000100;Note=g35293.t1;Parent=g35293.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.497
unitig_0	.	CDS	3381	3597	.	-	1	ID=g35293.t1_4;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000100;Note=g35293.t1;Parent=g35293.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.497
unitig_0	.	CDS	3666	4073	.	-	1	ID=g35293.t1_5;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000100;Note=g35293.t1;Parent=g35293.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.497
unitig_0	.	CDS	4278	4305	.	-	1	ID=g35293.t1_6;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000100;Note=g35293.t1;Parent=g35293.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.497
unitig_0	.	gene	4844	5880	.	-	.	ID=LOCUS_TAG_0000200;Note=g35294
unitig_0	.	mRNA	4844	5880	.	-	.	ID=g35294.t1;Note=LOCUS_TAG_0000200;Parent=LOCUS_TAG_0000200;product=hypothetical protein
unitig_0	.	CDS	4844	5544	.	-	1	ID=g35294.t1_1;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000200;Note=g35294.t1;Parent=g35294.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.317
unitig_0	.	CDS	5628	5880	.	-	1	ID=g35294.t1_2;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000200;Note=g35294.t1;Parent=g35294.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.317
unitig_0	.	gene	6030	6836	.	-	.	ID=LOCUS_TAG_0000300;Note=g35295
unitig_0	.	mRNA	6030	6836	.	-	.	ID=g35295.t1;Note=LOCUS_TAG_0000300;Parent=LOCUS_TAG_0000300;product=hypothetical protein
unitig_0	.	CDS	6030	6335	.	-	1	ID=g35295.t1_1;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000300;Note=g35295.t1;Parent=g35295.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.188
unitig_0	.	CDS	6427	6468	.	-	1	ID=g35295.t1_2;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000300;Note=g35295.t1;Parent=g35295.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.188
unitig_0	.	CDS	6539	6739	.	-	1	ID=g35295.t1_3;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000300;Note=g35295.t1;Parent=g35295.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.188
unitig_0	.	CDS	6819	6836	.	-	1	ID=g35295.t1_4;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000300;Note=g35295.t1;Parent=g35295.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.188
unitig_0	.	gene	13014	14367	.	+	.	ID=LOCUS_TAG_0000400;Note=g35296
unitig_0	.	mRNA	13014	14367	.	+	.	ID=g35296.t1;Note=LOCUS_TAG_0000400;Parent=LOCUS_TAG_0000400;product=hypothetical protein
unitig_0	.	CDS	13014	13016	.	+	1	ID=g35296.t1_1;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000400;Note=g35296.t1;Parent=g35296.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.287
unitig_0	.	CDS	13106	13201	.	+	1	ID=g35296.t1_2;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000400;Note=g35296.t1;Parent=g35296.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.287
unitig_0	.	CDS	13271	13316	.	+	1	ID=g35296.t1_3;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000400;Note=g35296.t1;Parent=g35296.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.287
unitig_0	.	CDS	13439	13638	.	+	1	ID=g35296.t1_4;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000400;Note=g35296.t1;Parent=g35296.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.287
unitig_0	.	CDS	13716	13893	.	+	1	ID=g35296.t1_5;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000400;Note=g35296.t1;Parent=g35296.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.287
unitig_0	.	CDS	13961	14119	.	+	1	ID=g35296.t1_6;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000400;Note=g35296.t1;Parent=g35296.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.287
unitig_0	.	CDS	14186	14367	.	+	1	ID=g35296.t1_7;Name=LOCUS_TAG_0000400;Note=g35296.t1;Parent=g35296.t1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;transl_table=1;translation=length.287

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