The 15th offline real-time how to write problem was solved with python

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Thanks to having tried some past problems in advance, I immediately thought that it would be good to make a dictionary, and set the black (lit) of the dot pattern of lightning letters to 1 and the white (off) to 0, and set the upper and lower rows I made a dictionary with the characters as the values and the keys as the keys. Converts the input hexadecimal character string to a 32-character binary character string, extracts several characters from the beginning of the upper and lower rows, and looks up the dictionary. However, I had to pay attention to the number of characters to be extracted. When there is a'U'dot pattern with 3 dots above and below, if you take out 2 dots above and below and look up the dictionary, it will match the dot pattern of'L'. So, first check if it is a 3-dot pattern, then check if it is a 2-dot pattern, and finally check if it is a delimiter 1-dot pattern (00) if none of them hit.

parts = {'1011':'L', '1110':'R', '0111':'J', '111010':'T', '101111':'U',
         '111101':'N', '011110':'S', '110011':'Z', '00':'' }

def solve(text):
    upper, lower = (format(int(t,16),'032b') for t in text.split('/'))
    answer = ''
    while len(upper) > 0:
        for n in xrange(3, 0, -1):
            part = upper[:n] + lower[:n]
            if part in parts:
                answer += parts[part]
                upper, lower = upper[n:], lower[n:]
    return answer

def test(text, answer):
    result = solve(text)
    print '%s\t%s\t%s' % ('OK' if result == answer else 'NG', text, result)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    0, test( "2ed8aeed/34b0ea5b", "LTRSUNTSJ" );
    1, test( "00000200/00000300", "L" );
    2, test( "00018000/00010000", "R" );
    3, test( "00002000/00006000", "J" );
    4, test( "00000700/00000200", "T" );
    5, test( "01400000/01c00000", "U" );
    6, test( "00003800/00002800", "N" );
    7, test( "000c0000/00180000", "S" );
    8, test( "00003000/00001800", "Z" );
    9, test( "132eae6c/1a64eac6", "LRJTUNSZ" );
    10, test( "637572d0/36572698", "ZSNUTJRL" );
    11, test( "baddb607/d66b6c05", "LTJZTSSSN" );
    12, test( "db74cd75/6dac6b57", "ZZZTJZRJNU" );
    13, test( "3606c2e8/1b0d8358", "ZZSSLTJ" );
    14, test( "ad98c306/e6cc6183", "UZZZZZZ" );
    15, test( "4a4aaee3/db6eeaa6", "JJLLUUNNS" );
    16, test( "ecd9bbb6/598cd124", "TSSZZTTRR" );
    17, test( "e0000002/40000003", "TL" );
    18, test( "a0000007/e0000005", "UN" );
    19, test( "c0000003/80000006", "RS" );
    20, test( "40000006/c0000003", "JZ" );
    21, test( "01da94db/00b3b6b2", "TSUJLRSR" );
    22, test( "76eeaaea/24aaeeae", "TRNNUUNU" );
    23, test( "1dacaeee/1566e444", "NRJZUTTT" );
    24, test( "26c9ac60/6c6d66c0", "JSZLRJZS" );
    25, test( "6c977620/36da5360", "ZZLLTNZJ" );
    26, test( "069aeae6/0db34eac", "SJSLTUNS" );
    27, test( "06d53724/049da56c", "RRULRNJJ" );
    28, test( "069b58b0/04d66da0", "RLRSLZJR" );
    29, test( "1b6eced4/11b46a9c", "RZZTZNRU" );
    30, test( "522e8b80/db6ad900", "JLLJNLJT" );
    31, test( "6546cdd0/376c6898", "ZULSZRTL" );
    32, test( "4e6d5b70/6ad9d620", "LNSSURST" );
    33, test( "37367772/65635256", "SNSZNTNJ" );
    34, test( "25535d58/377669cc", "LUUSLTUZ" );
    35, test( "0ae6a55d/0eacedcb", "UNSUJUTJ" );
    36, test( "76762edc/23536a88", "TZNZJNRT" );

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