Answer to "Offline real-time writing F04 problem"

Answer to "Offline Real-Time Writing F04 Problem-Division of Regular Octagons"

This time it will be held at the venue It was all 40 minutes to Success. After that, rework

Pointed out below

  1. Sorry for the first table
  2. Whether the result of "/2" is floating point or integer depends on the version of Python (running at 2.7 in the field) ↓ I tried about 2.
Python 2.7.13 (default, Apr 12 2017, 21:12:30) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.41)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 1/2
Python 3.6.0 |Anaconda 4.3.1 (x86_64)| (default, Dec 23 2016, 13:19:00) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 1/2

By the way, if it is as follows, it will work as intended regardless of the Python version. Called floor division or integer division

>>> 1//2

The following on-site answers

polygon_table = {}
polygon_table[0] = ''
polygon_table[1] = '3'
polygon_table[2] = '4'
polygon_table[3] = '5'
polygon_table[4] = '5'
polygon_table[5] = '7'
polygon_table[6] = '8'
polygon_table[7] = '9'

def get_startline(data):
    start = 128
    while True:
        if data >= start:
            return start
            start /= 2

def detect_poly(data):
    start = get_startline(data)
    triangle_count = []
    count = 0

    while start != 0:
        if data >= start:
            data -= start
            count = 0
            start /= 2
            count += 1

    polys = []
    for t in triangle_count:

    remaining = 8 - sum(triangle_count)
    if remaining > 0:

    return ''.join(polys)

## test logic
class Result:
    def __init__(self):
        self.success = 0 = 0

RESULT = Result()
RESULT.success = = 0

def test(data, expect):
#    print("actual:" + detect_poly(int(data)) + " expected:" + expect)
    if detect_poly(int(data)) == expect:
        RESULT.success += 1
    else: += 1

## ---- tests ----

test("165", "3445" )
test("80", "48" )
test("255", "33333333" )
test("68", "55" )
test("200", "355" )
test("82", "455" )
test("164", "455" )
test("73", "455" )
test("146", "455" )
test("37", "455" )
test("74", "455" )
test("148", "455" )
test("41", "455" )
test("38", "355" )
test("76", "355" )
test("152", "355" )
test("49", "355" )
test("98", "355" )
test("196", "355" )
test("137", "355" )
test("19", "355" )
test("20", "48" )
test("9", "57" )
test("209", "3345" )
test("121", "33345" )
test("239", "3333334" )
test("26", "347" )
test("111", "333344" )
test("95", "333344" )
test("85", "4444" )
test("24", "39" )
test("97", "347" )
test("234", "33444" )
test("59", "33345" )
test("187", "333344" )
test("34", "55" )
test("249", "333335" )
test("43", "3445" )
test("143", "33335" )
test("28", "338" )
test("79", "33345" )
test("173", "33444" )
test("55", "33345" )
test("77", "3445" )
test("35", "355" )
test("153", "3355" )
test("30", "3337" )
test("228", "3355" )
test("177", "3345" )
test("162", "445" )
test("184", "3345" )

## --------------

print("Success: {0.success}, Fail: {}".format(RESULT))

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