How to get the number of digits in Python


How to get the number of digits. Casting the mold is a bit cumbersome but easy. [Addition] In the comment, I mentioned it because I was told how to do it smarter!

For integers

Convert a number to a string to get the length. If it is a negative number, the minus sign will be included in the number of digits, so convert it to an absolute value.

num = -12345
num = abs(num)           #Convert to absolute value
num_str = str(num)       #Convert to string
num_digits = len(num)    #Get the length (number of digits) of the character string

print(num_digits)        #Execution result 5

Or in one line

num = -12345
num_digits = len(str(abs(num)))     #Batch conversion
print(num_digits)                   #Execution result 5

For decimals

It is basically the same as the case of integers, but since it is the number of digits, the decimal point is excluded.

num = 0.123456
num = abs(num)
num_str = str(num).replace(".","")    #Ignore the decimal point
num_digits = len(num)
print(num_digits)                     #Execution result 7

Smart way

Count using isdigit () to determine if it is a number. Both integers and decimals can be written in this way.

def count_digit(value):
    return sum(c.isdigit() for c in str(value))

print(count_digit(-12345))     #Execution result 5
print(count_digit(0.12345))    #Execution result 6
print(count_digit(-3.14))      #Execution result 3

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