[Python] Get the number of views of all posted articles


Get in order of likes Since I wrote the article, this time it is in order of the number of views.

Operating environment

What to do before writing code

Get a personal access token for Qiita.

  1. Access https://qiita.com/settings/applications (assuming you have logged in to Qiita)
  2. Press `` Issue a new token'' at the bottom of the screen. image.png
  3. Enter the intended use in Access Token Description, select read_qiita for Scope, and press Issue. image.png
  4. An alphanumeric character string will be displayed, so copy it. ( ** Personal information, so handle with care! ** </ font>)


Replace XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with the issued access token.

import http.client
import requests
import json
import math

CONN = http.client.HTTPSConnection('qiita.com', 443)
USER_ID = 'riekure'
URL = 'https://qiita.com/api/v2/authenticated_user/items'
HEADERS = {"content-type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}

class Api:
    #Return request result in JSON format
    def request(http, url) :
        CONN.request(http, url)
        res = CONN.getresponse()
        data = res.read().decode('utf-8')
        return json.loads(data)

    #Calculate the page number from the number of posts
    def page_count(items_count) :
        return math.floor(items_count / PER_PAGE) + 1

#Get the number of posts
items_count = Api.request('GET', '/api/v2/users/' + USER_ID)['items_count']
page = Api.page_count(items_count)

#Get all posted articles
all_article = {}
for i in range(page) :
    res = requests.get(URL + '?page=' + str(i+1), headers=HEADERS)
    list = res.json()
    for item in list :
        item_id = item['id']
        title = item['title']
        url = 'https://qiita.com/api/v2/items/' + item_id
        res = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS)
        json = res.json()
        page_views_count = json['page_views_count']
        all_article.setdefault(title, page_views_count)

#Sort by descending number of views
# items()Becomes a tuple because it uses
tuple_items = sorted(all_article.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)

#Display in markdown tabular format
print('|Article title|Number of views|')
for title, count in tuple_items:
    print('| ' + title + ' | ' + str(count) + ' |')

Execution result

As of June 28, 2020

Article title Number of views
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Use inequality comparison operators in MyBatis SQL 22104
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How to execute a command as a user who cannot log in + bonus 15843
[Java] Delete the specified number of characters from the end of StringBuilder 15558
Identifies and forcibly terminates the session during DB connection with Oracle SQL(KILL) 15035
【Java】 (list == null list.size() == 0)I don't like the fact that I'm checking NULL / empty 14769
[Java]What should I use to write a file? 12379
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[Unity] What to do when Standard Assets is not displayed in the Import Package 10817
I tried to implement a check process that makes errors other than alphanumeric symbols, hiragana, katakana, JIS 1st / 2nd level kanji in Java 10685
A confused story about a ternary operator with multiple conditional expressions 10414
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate(SAA)Failure experience 10263
AWS Certified Solutions Architect after 10 months of study-Associate-I can't pass, so I look back on how to study 9579
[Beginner]If you think that you are using AWS in the range of several hundred yen a month, you were charged about 2000 yen 8374
[MyBatis]Use Cursor when mapping large amounts of data 8049
A Java programmer studied Python.(About the type) 6873
How to set Windows 10 notebook PC built-in keyboard to JIS layout, Bluetooth connection keyboard to US layout 6566
How to find a process using a specific port number 6412
(Java 7 or later only)Objects are Objects.I want you to compare with equals 5907
Oracle SQL(11g)I want to reproduce the MySQL LIMIT OFFSET clause in 5880
[Unity]"Can't add script behavior XXXX.The script needs to derive from MonoBehaviour"4 ways to improve 5810
【Unity】Unity-Chan!Investigation results and solutions when a CS0234 error occurs in (Unity-chan) 5159
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Bottom 10%As a result of solving puzzles that can only be solved by bad engineers, the bottom 10%Turned out to be a bad engineer 4416
AWS Certified Solutions Architect over a year-Associate-I passed the exam, so I look back on my study method 4357
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Aurora(MySQL)I got an error when I tried CREATE VIEW 3214
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Don't stop updating until you pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate! 2927
THETA Web API v2.How to run 1 with the curl command 2844
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[Unity] Summary of personally stuck things before building a project for Oculus Go 2680
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AWS Certified Solutions Architect to Address Table-Associate(SAA)* Updated from time to time 2467
A Java programmer studied Python.(for, if,while statement) 2360
.bash_Wrong profile settings, any command"command not found"Solution when it becomes 2242
[Unity] open when git add("Temp/UnityLockfile"):Causes of Permission denied and remedies 2018
How to prevent certain files from being deleted with the rm command etc.(chattr, lsattr command) 1815
Bottom 20%Solved a puzzle that only a bad engineer couldn't solve 1467
[Java]Java the functions I created in the past.io.File to NIO.Rewrite in 2 1398
【Git】fatal: protocol error: bad line length character:How to eliminate usag 1389
What to do if you can't connect to AWS Cloud9 in Chrome 1362
[Unity] Separate processing by distinguishing between Unity Editor and actual smartphone 1350
[Java 8]Alphabetical order and character string length sorting method that can be used in coding tests 1349
[Java 8]Until you convert standard input that can be used in coding tests into a list or array 1348
A Java programmer studied Python.(About decorators) 1325
[Python]Get a list of posts using the Qiita API+Looking back on 2018 1305
AWS Innovate Online Conference "Test Preparation Session 1: Designing a Recoverable Architecture" 1063
Most engineers couldn't solve Puzzle 3 1033
AWS Innovate Online Conference "Test Preparation Session 5: Defining an Architecture with Operational Excellence" 858
[Ruby] Can it be used in coding tests? How to receive values from standard input 801
AWS Innovate Online Conference "Test Preparation Session 4: Designing a Cost Optimization Architecture" 788
[Unity] Understanding asynchronous processing-Coroutine- 713
AWS Innovate Online Conference "Test Preparation Session 2: Defining a High Performance Architecture" 645
AWS Innovate Online Conference "Test Preparation Session 3: Defining Secure Applications and Architecture" 644
[Ruby] Array methods that Ruby beginners often use 564
[Unity] Understanding asynchronous processing ~ async/await edition ~ 463
[Ruby] I regret the reason why I made a mistake in the declaration of the 2D array and could not change the elements as expected. 448
[Unity] What to do if you get an "incomplete or corrupted download file" when installing Unity from Unity Hub 421
[Katalon Studio] How to change the default browser 395
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The Like (LGTM) order has disappeared from My Page, so use the Qiita API to get it. 286
[Slack] Procedures for skipping messages using the Slack API 158
Scrum Development Glossary for those who don't have the time 98

Please note that it seems to include limited shared articles.

At the end

I want to graduate from Qiita, but I can't find a migration destination.

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